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yeah it actually depends upon the "material" you have taken, if it is so large then it will make no difference. but if you want exact measurement, then its mass will remains constant. rust will fulfill the deficiency in mass of that material. If we remove the dust then its mass will obviously decreases.

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3mo ago

Yes, rusting can increase the mass of an object. When iron and steel objects rust, they react with oxygen in the air to form iron oxide, which has a greater mass than the original iron. This increase in mass is due to the addition of oxygen atoms to the material.

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14y ago

In the reaction of rusting the iron reacts with oxygen from air, increasing the mass of the object.

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Q: Does rusting increase the mass of an object?
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1. Rusting is an oxidation reaction of iron.2. The mass of an object increase after rusting.

What type of reaction occurs and how does the mass of the object after rusting compare with its original mass?

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