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Yes, the word "said" rhymes with the word "bed." Those words also rhyme with fed, head, led, red, and zed.

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Q: Does said rhyme with bed
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What rhymes with 'who said'?

Words that rhyme with said are: head, red, dead, lead, fed and bed.

Does red and bed rhyme together?

No, pen and bed do not rhyme.

Is this from a Dr Seuss book to bed to bed you said?

No, the phrase "to bed to bed you said" doesn't appear in any Dr. Seuss book. It might be similar in style to his rhyme schemes, but it's not a direct quote.

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Some words that rhyme with "blue bed" are "fled" and "shed."

Is pen and Bed an Approximate rhyme?

No, "pen" and "bed" are not an approximate rhyme. An approximate rhyme is when words have a similar ending sound but are not a perfect match, such as "pen" and "pain."

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What is the past tense of mislead?

It's misled. A previous answer incorrectly stated that the past tense of mislead was also mislead, but just pronounced differently so it would rhyme with bed, red, said, wed, etc. That is not right! The past tense of lead is led. The past tense of mislead is misled. When lead is pronounced to rhyme with bed, red, said and wed, then it is a noun == and only a noun -- as in "get the lead out."

Does said rhyme with maid?

No, said does not rhyme with maid. Said is pronounced like "sed" while maid is pronounced like "mayd".

How is the letter z pronounced in England?

Zed to rhyme with bed

Does men and fins rhyme, my teacher said it did on a test?

I know it does not rhyme at all