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Well ya if you like paint over it or something. Well nevermind my friend said with rain.

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Q: Does sharpie come of off sidewalk?
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How do you get sharpie of a Nintendo ds?

You can get sharpie off of anything by tracing wherever the sharpie mark is with an expo marker.

How do you get sharpie off a poster board without destroying the poster board?

No,any marker does come off poster board without destroying it.

Will sharpie wash off your t-shirt?

Yes, Sharpie ink doesn't come out of clothing. As a teacher ink and pen marks is one of the hazards of teaching because I get ink on my clothing at various times and have never found a soap/spot remover that will take out the ink.

What organic thing can take off sharpie?

Axe spray you spray it on and wipe away your sharpie

How do you get sharpie ink off?

I got some Sharpie on my arm last night, and I got it off in just seconds with Tecnu. Tecnu removes Poison Oak and other Ivy oils, and apparently it removes Sharpie marks off skin.

How can you get sharpie off a whiteboard?

Not sure if it really works, but I have heard if you write over a sharpie in a different color sharpie, it erases it - maybe worth a try.

How do you get sharpie off legos?

You can scrub it off with a tooth brush and Tooth paste.

How do you get of sharpie off of dressers?

use clorox

How do you get sharpie off of a llbean backpack?

you dont

What is the sharpie game?

You get a Sharpie and draw a line on your hand and go over it twice. Then you scratch off the Sharpie with ur nail till its completely gone. The eraser game is funner

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How do you get sharpie off a whiteboard?

Nail polish remover...