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Q: Does smoke from fire rise or raise in the air?
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How did the mongolfier brothers make the first hot air balloon rise?

The Montgolfier brothers correctly noted that smoke always rises from a fire. However, what they failed to realize is that it is not the smoke which is rising, but the heat from the fire which rises and incidentally, carries the smoke up with it.When the Montgolfier brothers attempted to harness the lifting power of fire, they chose a fuel which would produce a large amount of smoke. Namely, wet straw. The balloon did rise and fly, but it can't have been a very pleasant experience.Modern hot air balloons fly in much the same way, but rather than using straw for fuel, propane is used as it is nearly smoke-free and is easily portable.

Does a hot air balloon pollut the Earth?

No because its just smoke from the fire

Why does the Hot air balloon rise when the fire is lit beneath the balloon?

The fire warms up the air and the air becomes less dense. So the balloon traps the warm air and since less dense gases rise with denser gasses around it, the warm air rises taking the balloon with it.

Why does a hot air balloon rise in cold air?

The fire raises it not the heat of the temperature in the air that day. The wouldn't put a hot air balloon up when it was freezing cold or heaps windy.

Why does a hot air baloon rise?

They rise because the hot air from the fire in the balloon art weighs less then the cool air around the balloon. so it floats up and rises. It uses convection energy. Hot air is less dense and rises and cool air is more dense and sinks.

Related questions

Why does smoke rise quickly?

Smoke comes from a fire at it's base. Hot air rises so the smoke is carried upward by the heated air

Why does smoke from a fireplace go up the chimney instead of out into the living room?

Hot air always rises. Therefore, when a fire is started in a fire place, the hot air from the fire rises, causing the smoke to rise also.

Why does smoke travel upward?

The smoke particles from a fire are carried up by hot air. Hot air has the tendency to rise because it has less density than normal air.

Does hot air rise?

Yes. Hot air is less dense, and therefore lighter than cold air, so it will rise as cold air will drop. A perfect example of this, is smoking rising to the ceiling in a fire, or smoke rising out of your chimney.

Why is it safest to crawl near the floor when there is a fire?

because smoke rises up. better chance of not breathing in smoke,

Why does smoke from a bonfire rise upwards using the idea of convection?

The smoke from an active fire rises in the surrounding air because it is less dense than the cooler surrounding air. It doesn't know anything about the idea of convection, and it doesn't need to, in order to behave appropriately.

How do differences in air pressure help smoke to rise up a chimney?

the higer pressure at the bottom of the chimney pushes air and smoke up the chimney

Why do you have to roll yourself in a rug if there is a fire?

The advice to roll yourself in a rug applies if you or your clothing is on fire: the rug will help put out the fire by blocking more oxygen in the air from the fire. If there is no rug immediately handy, drop and roll anyway. The floor and you will help block the air from the flames. If you are not on fire drop and crawl out quickly. Smoke will rise and go to the top of the room so if you're on the floor, it will take longer before the smoke gets down to you and suffocates you.

How did the mongolfier brothers make the first hot air balloon rise?

The Montgolfier brothers correctly noted that smoke always rises from a fire. However, what they failed to realize is that it is not the smoke which is rising, but the heat from the fire which rises and incidentally, carries the smoke up with it.When the Montgolfier brothers attempted to harness the lifting power of fire, they chose a fuel which would produce a large amount of smoke. Namely, wet straw. The balloon did rise and fly, but it can't have been a very pleasant experience.Modern hot air balloons fly in much the same way, but rather than using straw for fuel, propane is used as it is nearly smoke-free and is easily portable.

How do you breed a smoke dragon on DragonVale?

To get a Smoke Dragon, breed a fire and air dragon together.

What are some of air pollutants?

smog, fog, smoke from a fire

Why does smoke from burning materials rise in the air?

This is due to the hot air, which has less density than the surrounding cool air.