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Nope.stay away from soda,soda is a killer....if you have a baby tooth leave it in Pepsi or coke for a while...Then see what your tooth looks like. just imagine if you forget to brush after a soda,your tooth turns Disgusting your teeth become stained from lots of things such as food an drinks an more!! it is really not a nice site i mean your tooth will look decayed if you do not believe me try it but i do not recommend it because it kills your tooth from every sip you take.

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14y ago

Yes, Soda does make your teeth decay faster. This is due to the acid contained inside pop. The acid get's on the surface of the tooth and begins to eat away at the enamel (white outer coating on the teeth) and cause cavities and advanced tooth decay (which requires a Root canal or extraction to correct).

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Q: Does soda make your teeth rot faster?
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What soda makes teeth rot faster?


Will soda rotten your teeth faster then milk?

Soda will rot your teeth faster.. where milk is actually good because of the calcium in milk to strengthen the enamel

Which soda stains your teeth?

All, it the acid in the soda the rot's your teeth

Why do teeth rot in soda?

Teeth rot in soda because of the acidity level of soda. Colas are only one level different from that of battery acid.

How does soda affect teeth pictures?

The pictures rot just like the teeth will rot. I think the question needs to be rephrased to "How does soda affect teeth?" or "Why does soda affect teeth in pictures?"

Does soda make your teeth rotten?

Only if you don't brush your teeth, as plaque bacteria will consume the large amount of sugar to create acid and rot your teeth.

What happens to you if you have too much soda?

your teeth might rot.

Why does coke rot theeth?

It doesnt rot teeth but disolves the enamel, enabling food sugars to rot the tooth much faster.

Is soda bad for my teeth if it's all I drink?

I do believe that soda is bad for your teeth if it is all you drink, It will rot your teeth and i know it is bad for your body, so is say yes it is bad for ya

Does sprite effect teeth?

Any sugary drink, especially soda, can rot teeth over a prolonged period of use.

Does baking soda make an apple rot?

yes it does, or no it does not

What drink rots your teeth the most?

carbonated drinks will decay it the fastest.... This is actually false. some carbonated drinks can make teeth rot faster but it has been proven in studies that most carbonated will not decay your teeth faster than sweet drinks like gatorade.