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Sound travels fastest through solids. This is because molecules in a solid medium are much closer together than those in a liquid or gas, allowing sound waves to travel more quickly through it. In fact, sound waves travel over 17 times faster through steel than through air. The exact speed of sound in steel is 5,960 meters per second (13,332 mph)! But, this is only for the majority of solids. The speed of sound in all solids are not faster than in all liquids.


The speed of sound in a material is dependent on several factors. Basically it travels through denser materials at a different rate than rarefied materials, through compressible materials at a different rate than incompressible materials, and through stiffer materials at a different rate than nonrigid materials.

A slower velocity of sound would be noted in a dense, compressible nonrigid material.

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14y ago
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13y ago

It is none of the above. Solid liquid and gas are states of matter. Sound is energy in the form of vibrations, not matter.

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15y ago

What does best mean?

The speed of sound is slow in gases, medium in liquids, and fast in solids.

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14y ago

im not 100% certan what u mean by clearer but it is easier and louder to hear sound through solids because sound travels faster in solids

hope this helps :)


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7y ago

It can be. Sound travels through gases, liquids, and solids.

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11y ago

It is GAS

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Q: Does sound travel best in a solid a liquid or a gas?
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Which is the best conductor of sound a gas a liquid or a solid?

Solids and liquids are better conductors. You can't say which of the two because some solids are more dense than some liquids and vice versa.

How can liquid water change into a solid state and into a gas state?

A liquid changes into a solid state when its particles start losing energy. This is usually due to a decrease in temperature because if there is less heat energy present, there is less kinetic energy produced in the particles. As the particles of the liquid continue to slow down its vibration speed, it becomes a solid. The word for this is known as freezing and the best example for it is the change of state from water (liquid) to ice (solid).

What types of materials can sound not travel through?

Spongy materials are the most difficult for sound to travel through. Vacuum is the best acoustic insulation but it doesn't really count for the purpose of this question, since it is not a material but a lack of material.

What BEST describes the physical state of matter that has a fixed volume but takes the shape of its container- Semi-solid - Solid-- Gas or Liquid?

the state of mater that has a definite shape is solid. solid always have a definite shape. on the other hand liquids and gases do not have a definite shape. they take the shape of their container.

Is heat absorbed or released when solid turns into a liquid?

A solid needs to heat up in order to turn into a liquid, therefore it absorbs thermal energy. According to the first law of thermodynamics - heat is work (=energy). The solid needs an input of energy to cause it to liquefy.

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What are the materials needed for this project Does sound travel best through solid liquid or gas?

i think you need a solid liquid and gas first to do this project

Sound travels the blank through a solid?

Sound travels the fastest through a solid compared to a liquid or gas. This is because the particles in a solid are closely packed, allowing sound waves to propagate quickly through the material.

What medium does sound travel through the best?


Why does sound travel best through a solid?

the matter inside is bunched together so sound travels best through a solid.

Should sound travel best on liquid or a gas?

If by best you mean fastest and/or furthest, than sound travels better through liquid. This is because the speed (and distance) of sound is dependent on the density of the medium it is traveling through. Since sound waves travel better with compression, they move faster in more solid mediums because of the mediums' tightly packed molecules.

Do sound waves travel best through air?

Yes, sound waves travel well through air because air is a medium that can transmit sound vibrations effectively. Other materials like water and solids also allow sound waves to travel, but air is the most common medium for sound transmission in our everyday environment.

What material conducts sound the best?

The best type of material that conducts sound the best would be any solid. Only because of the sound that hit the compacted atoms and it would travel the fastest.

In which matter does sound travel best?

Sound travels best through solids because the particles in a solid are closer together, allowing for better transmission of vibrations. Liquids and gases are less dense and have more space between particles, making sound travel less efficiently in these mediums.

Do sound waves travel better through solid liquids or gasses?

Sound waves travel best through solids because the particles in a solid are more tightly packed compared to liquids and gases. This allows for faster transmission of sound waves through solid materials. Liquids also allow sound to travel well because their particles are closer together than in gases, but not as closely packed as in solids. Gases have the most space between particles, which hinders the transmission of sound waves.

Example of solid medium in which a sound can be transmitted?

Think of a solid and there's your answer. Wood, metals, glass... Imagine putting your head on a solid, ear down, which materials would best transport the sound to you if someone tapped the same solid but a metre away? Those are the the solids that best transmit sound.

Why does sound travel fastest through a sold then a liquid and a gas?

That's because sound is a compression wave. It needs a medium to travel through. The best mediums are dense, like metal and concrete. Liquids are okay. Gasses are the worst. Sound will not travel in space because there's no medium for sound to travel through.

Does sound travel best though solid liquid gas?

Sound travels fastest through solids because the particles are packed close together, allowing vibrations to pass quickly from one particle to the next. In liquids, particles are more spread out, causing sound to travel slower than in solids. In gases, the particles are even farther apart, resulting in the slowest speed of sound transmission.