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Swirling mixes the warmer water near the glass edge with the cooler water next to lumps of ice. This has the effect of melting the ice faster AND making the glass colder.

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1w ago

Swirling ice in a drink can make the drink colder but it may also melt the ice faster due to increased surface contact with the liquid. The swirling motion helps distribute the coldness from the ice more evenly throughout the drink.

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Q: Does swirling ice in a drink make the drink colder or just melt the ice faster?
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Why is warmer water less dense than colder water?

Warmer water has molecules that are moving faster and have more energy compared to colder water. This increased kinetic energy causes the molecules to be further apart, reducing the water's density. Colder water has slower-moving molecules that are closer together, making it denser.

Why a hotter substance cools faster?

A hot substance will pass on heat to a substance at a cooler temperature. If it was surrounded by an even hotter substance it would be "given" heat. Heat can only flow from hotter to colder, just as water flows from higher to lower ground. If the temperature difference between the substances is great, then heat will pass more quickly, but if the difference is very slight, then the flow of heat will be very much slower.

What is at the bottom of a whirlpool?

The bottom of a whirlpool is typically a depression or basin of water where the water drains or spirals downward due to the swirling motion. Depending on the size and strength of the whirlpool, there may be debris or sediment collected at the bottom.

Why is freezer colder than the refrigerator?

The freezer is colder than the refrigerator because it is designed to operate at a lower temperature to keep food frozen, typically around 0°F (-18°C). The refrigerator, on the other hand, maintains a temperature above freezing to keep food chilled but not frozen, usually around 37-40°F (3-5°C).

Can drinking an energy drink cause a false breathalyzer reading?

No, drinking an energy drink should not cause a false breathalyzer reading. Breathalyzers specifically detect alcohol levels in the breath, not the ingredients in an energy drink. However, some energy drinks may contain alcohol, so it's important to check the label before consuming.

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it is just a swirling center of low air pressure. so pretty much air and wind

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If you don't have much time just drink a lot of water and try to sweat a lot. Both of these will make it get out of your system a lot faster.

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You can't its going to take you a longtime .Just drink pently of water and practice singing in the mirrior .Try it don't give up.