Yes Oxycontin is available in 20mg-40mg-80mg-160mg/coulored pink-sunset yellow,dark blue & white
The mechanisms of action are so different, there is no answer to this question.
Yes. They are the 40mg Oxys.
Why would you take Oxycontin/Oxycodone for seizures? It isn't used for seizures!
The 40 MG Oxycontin is Yellow..
Oxycontin is time release, and oxycodone is not.
it depends how much you do when you decide to do it again and how consistant the use is. if it is very little mg and consistancy then no. for example, if you do a 40mg one time you wont get withdrawls, but if you do a 40mg for 3 days, you prob will feel some withdrawls
You can, but you shouldn't this pill is extremely addictive. My dumb advice is stay away from it.
Using two cocktail sticks to prop them open works for me
Oxycontin and Oxycodone are the same thing. Oxycontin is made from Oxycodone. Oxycontin is time released so it continuously release the medicine and oxycodone is not time released. It depends on how much of each you take. Say if you take a 40 MG Oxycontin pill and and 4 Oxycodone 10/325, you feel the effects of the 4 oxycodone pills because the Oxycontin time released but they are the same thing. Whichever one you take more MG of will be stronger.
Ask your doctor about Opana.
MScontin is time released Morphine sulfate (12 hours) at different doses available. Oxycontin is time released oxycodone example of Oxycodone is percocet/with tylenol. Oxycontin also has nothing added to it such as Tylenol. Oxycontin is just oxycodone in a 12hr release formula and made at different doses.