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Q: Does the Cullens and hales all get straight A's?
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The cullens and hales all get straight A's?

it's assumed that

Do the cullens and hales all get straight A's in the movie twilight?


Does the cullens and hales get straight A's or A plus's?

yes. A pluses?

Do the cullens and hales get straight A's in the movie twilight?


In twilight is all the cullens and hales in the same classes?


In twilight were all the cullens hales adopted?

yes they where

All the Cullens and hales always get along with each other and Bella always get along with the Cullens and hales right?

While the Cullens and Hales generally have a close bond as a family, they do have disagreements and conflicts like any other family. Bella does get along with the Cullens and Hales for the most part, but there are moments of tension and misunderstandings throughout the Twilight series.

Bella knows the Cullens hales are adoptrds right?

Of course Bella knows the Cullens and Hales are adopted!!

What grades the cullens and hales get?

it's not really said but it's pretty much assumed that they get straight A's

What grades do the cullens and hales in twilight get?

A's of course ! They have been alive for hundreds of yrs

How many Cullens are there from twightlight?

There are 5 cullens and 2 Hales

How were the Cullens and hales all adopted why?

Carlisle wanted to start his own family of vampires.