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The President has the ability to appoint justices to the Supreme Court (and lower federal courts) with the "advice and consent of the Senate" that share his (or her) ideology. Judicial appointment to lower Article III courts can also be considered a means of influencing the Supreme Court, as the lower courts handle far more cases and have the opportunity to write opinions that have persuasive authority.

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No, this authority belongs to Congress.

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Q: What power does the US President have to influence the Supreme Court?
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Power of president to consult Supreme Court?

The power of the President is not only to consult the Supreme Court but also to appoint members of the court.

How does the president check the power of the supreme court?

The President checks the power of the Supreme Court by appointing Supreme Court justices and the Chief Justice (subject to Senate confirmation).

Are the supreme court decions only overturned by the president?

The president does not have any power over the decisions of the Supreme Court. Only the Supreme Court itself can overturn a supreme court decision.

What influence does the President have over the US Supreme Court?

The president has some influence over the supreme court, but only to an extent. As previously stated he nominates people to the supreme court, but this in turn is checked by the legislative function in the government so his influence is small here if anything. He does however have the power and right to openly support or criticise the court, thus to an extent influencing some of their decisions.The President has the power to fill open judge positions by submitting nominees of his choice to the Senate. He can choose people who agree with him on constitutional questions.

Who has the power to nominate supreme court justice?

The power to appoint Supreme Court justices belongs exclusively to the President of the United States.

How does the supreme court checks the powers of the president?

The President checks the power of the Supreme Court by appointing Supreme Court justices and the Chief Justice (subject to Senate confirmation).

Who has the power to resolve issues involving national laws or laws involving national laws of the US?

the supreme court has the power to interpret the laws no matter what

Who has the power the appoint supreme court justices?

the president

Who has the power to nominate members to the supreme court?

the president

Who has the power to appoint a new supreme court justice?

The President appoints new supreme court justices.

What US Supreme Court case limited a President's impound power?

This Court decision limits the president's power to impound funds.

What is one president can check the power of the supreme court?
