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Q: Does the azygos vein originate in the abdomen?
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Azygos vein origin?

The azygos venous system returns blood from the posterior walls of the thorax and the abdomen and dumps directly into the superior vena cava. The origin of this system begins at the various capillaries, it is a large and very variable network of veins. the azygos vein is situated on the rightside. embryologically the azygos vein must commences from the postrior surface of the inferior venacava at the level of renal veins. this azygos vein is called lumbar azygos vein. azygos vein may also commences by the fusion of the right subcostal vein and right ascending lumbar vein. development from the azygos line of veins of the right side and right posterior cardinal vein. this forms the azygos system of veins including others like, hemiazygos vein, accessory hemiazygos vein.

Which vein is an unpaired vein?

vena azygos

Where do the intercostal veins drain to?

drain into the Azygos vein.

How does venous blood return from the azygos system to the heart?

The azygos vein and the hemiazygos vein drain into the superior vena cava. The blood will then travel from along the superior vena cava to enter the right atrium.

What vein drains the thorax and empties into the superior Vena Cava?

azygos v.

Where is azygos vein located and what area does it drain?

The azygos vein forms near the diaphragm; runs anterior and to the right of the vertebral column and ends in the superior vena cava. These veins drain most thoracic structures and the abdominal wall.

What is the vessel that drains blood from the chest wall and empties into the superior vena cava?

azygos vein

What has the author Aly Sirry written?

Aly Sirry has written: 'The radiological study of the azygos venous system in bilharzial hepatic fibrosis' -- subject(s): Azygos Vein, Diseases, Liver

Blood flows from the superior vena cava into the?

Blood goes from the vena cava into the right atrium of the heart

Vein that drains the posterior venticles?

It is the azygos vein that is located on right side of abdominal and thoracic aorta and in front of right vegus nerve that drains into superior vena cava on its posterior aspect just before vena cava drains into right atrium.azygos vein

What type of blood vessel returns blood back to the heart?

Blood is returned to the heart via the veins. Some of the main veins are: Jugular veins (from head) Pulmonary veins (from lungs) Portal vein Azygos vein Superior vena cava Inferior vena cava Iliac vein Femoral vein (from legs) Popliteal vein Great saphenous vein Small saphenous

What is the function of Iliac vein?

The function of the common iliac vein is to drain into the inferior vena cava. The common iliac vein forms in the abdomen and is a connection of the internal and external iliac vein.