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yes,according to relation coefficient of linear expansion depends upon original length.

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Q: Does the coefficient of linear expansion depends upon length?
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Does the coefficient of linear expansion depend upon length describe?

The coefficient of linear expansion DOES not depend on the length. Each material has a certain value for its coeeficient of linear expansion. The length of the material dictates how much it will expand linearly for a given rise in temperature. L" = L'(1 + a x (T'' - T')) That is the length at temperature T'' which is higher than temperature T' is given by the length L' at temperature T' multiplied by the quantity [1 + a x (T" - T')], where a is the coefficient of linear expansion which is constant for a given material. Thus if the temperature difference T" - T' is large then the expansion will be large which means L" - L' will be large. Likewise if the original length L' is large, then the corresponding expanded length L" will be large

What is the cubical coefficient of thermal expansion for metals?

Since most metals are isotropic, the cubical coefficient of expansion is three times the linear coefficient of expansion. The linear coefficient of expansion is obtained from measurement and tables for the specific material which are readily available.

How do you calculate coefficient of linear expansion of copper?

dL/dT = αL*L, where L is the length of the steel, T is temperature, and αL is the linear thermal expansion coefficient which for steel is about 11.0 to 13.0. That is possibly the easiest differential equation in history: (1/L)dL = (αL)dT ln(L) = αLT L = eαLT

Linear expansion apparatus?

A linear expansion apparatus is used to measure the change in length of a material in response to a change in temperature. It typically consists of a sample material mounted between two supports, with a mechanism to control the temperature. By measuring the change in length as the temperature changes, the coefficient of linear expansion of the material can be determined.

A material has a linear thermal expansion coefficient of 17 x 10-6 is 5.88m long at 28C. What is the change in length at 96C?


What material has the highest coefficient of linear thermal expansion?


What is the coefficient of linear expansion of mercury?

The coefficient of linear expansion of mercury is 0.000181 per degree Celsius.

Why is it necessary to know the coefficient of linear expansion of solids?

Knowing the coefficient of linear expansion of a solid is important because it allows us to predict how much the solid will expand or contract when subjected to changes in temperature. This information is crucial for designing structures and systems that can accommodate thermal expansion without causing damage or inefficiencies.

Coefficient of thermal expansion for aluminum in imperial?

State 3 factors that will determine linear expansion?

Linear expansion depends upon three factors: 1. Length of rod 2. Change in temperature 3. Nature of material of the rod.

How mathematical relationship between linear expansivity?

the expansion is strain e times length L or y = eL if strain is temperature related then e = CTE x temperature T where CTE is linear thermal expansion coefficient or y = CTE x L x T

Does the co-efficient of linear expansion depends on length?

No. It's a ratio between two numbers, and it doesn't depend on the specific length, or on the units used.