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No, the moon does not change shape.

When the moon seems to change shape to us, what we are actually seeing are the different phases of the moon. The phases are caused by the rotation of the earth, sun, and moon. As these bodies rotate they throw different portions of the moon into sunlight and shadow.

The portions of the moon which are in shadow seem to disappear because we can't see them, but they are still there.

That said, there is a minute distortion of the moon's shape due to "tidal" effects on it's solid shape due to the sun, but this change is so minute that we could never see it.

See the Sources and related links section, below, for more information.

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Can the moon change shape?

Yes the moon does change shape. That is why phases of the moon happen. If you did not know, but phases means changes. So phases of the moon is changes of the moon.

How does the shape of the moon change?

clouds get in front of it but i don't really know

Does t moon really change its shape?

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Do the moon change its shape during the time you watched it?

No. that would really depend on how long you "watched it" for.

How does moon's shape and position change over time?

The moon's shape would change with the impact of meteor's, changing the moon's landscape.

What causes the moon to change its shape over the course of about a month?

The moon does not really change shape- its visible outline changes. This is due to the angle of sunlight falling on the moon in relation to the earth. If the sunlight is shining at a 90 degree angle from one side, then half the moon is illuminated and visible, half is dark.

Why does moon change it shape?

It doesn't change its shape at all. it stays the same!

When does the moon change shape?

The moon supposedly "changes shape" all the time, as the moon is constantly orbiting the Earth however the moon doesn't actually change shape, it is the amount of the sunlit side of the Earth that we see changing.

Does the moon change shape at night?

The moon never changes shape only the light you can see.

Why does moon change shape in simple words?

The moon of course isn't really changing shape. It's all about the sun. The lit part of the moon you see is the part of the moon in daylight. The shadowed part is experiencing the moon's night time. These normal phases of the moon have nothing to do with earth casting a shadow on the moon.

How does the Moon's shape change over time?

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How many days the moon take to change his shape?

moon take 14 days to change new moon to full moon