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If so ordered by the court

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Q: Does the mother have to pay child support even though she doesn't want to in a joint custody case?
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Can an underage mother win custody of her child back?

Even though the mother is underage she still has custody of her child as long as she does not do something to get custody taken away from her

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Custody was resolved. Mrs. Jackson (Michael's Mother) gets custody. Debbie Rowe gets visitation and continued Spousal support, even though MJ is deceased, she will continue to get it anyways.

How does a man get full custody of children without marriage?

If you were not married when the child was born you have to prove paternity in court by a DNA test and if she refuses you can get a court ordered one. Then you can petition for custody, visitation and pay child support. Unless the mother is unfit they will not give you full custody though.

Father wanting full custody in georgia?

He would have to petition the court. Unless the mother is unfit though he will get shared custody.

Can you choose to live with your mom if your sister has legal custody of you though your mom was never notified?

no because your sister has custody of you your mom doesnt have to know she is no longer your parent or gaurdian

Is it possible for a father that has a history of abuse and a felony on his record to gain any type of custody?

if its taken to court and the mother has a clean record she will most likely get custody of the child and if the father does not pay child support he has no rights at all..(im going though this same thing in court) about the only way he can is if he proves that the mother is unfit

Do I have to pay child support if my kids and the mother are living with me and can I have her pay rent?

Since she is not married to you and she has full custody yes, she can ask for it. if you are paying the bills you can ask for it to be reduced by the court though or ask her to drop it.

Does mother or father have to pay child support if they share custody of child 50 percent of the time?

Though rarely applicable to the mother, yes when there is a difference in income, including household incomes in some states. Consider bird nest see link

Should I file for child support for my 5 year old daughter which I have not done because her father has threatened to take her from me if I do?

If you feel as though you would be awarded custody then go for it times are not easy and the father helped you make her he should help support her. It took me 4years to realize it and then I looked into what the argument would be in court because most states are mother states they more then likely award custody to the mother and one of your arguments can be that he threatened to take her away if he had to help support her. The most the court might ask you to do is partial custody and award you a smaller portion of child support but it is well worth it. CJ

Does unwed mother automatically have sole custody in Ohio even though father is on birth ceriicate?

Yes. He has to go to court to get his parental rights and prove it by a DNA test. Then he can apply for visitation, custody and pay child support. The birth certificate is not enough since no DNA test is required.

If no custody agreement made but the mother is ordered to pay child support she has taken the child out of state wont bring her back. school is staring back up and the child is not home. Anyone help?

If child support was ordered, there's a presumption of custody, though you need it clarified in order to file an interference with custody charge. See link below for Dads House for more possibilities on what to do. We will need the states involved.

Can a mother and her boyfriend or husband file for full custody of the mothers children together that you share joint custody with your exhusband who is the childrens father?

Boyfriend or husband (unless he is the biological father) has no legal right to the child at all. The mother can try to go for full custody though.