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Q: Does the nose continue to grow until death?
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Which two parts of your body continue to grow thought your lifetime?

Ears and nose

What two parts of the body continue to grow for your entire life?

Your nose. After adults have reached their full height, some parts of their bodies continue to grow. Name these parts. toenails, fingernails, actually shrink when you grow older because the platelets in between your spinal segments flatten Any part of your body that is made of cartilage continues to grow. As in Ears and Nose. Of course there are fingernails and hair but I wouldn't consider those "body parts." Hope that helped.Your liver heals itself and lives forever unless it loses that capability due to fat, disease, or alcohol. Your nails and hair grow your entire life.

What would happen if Pinocchio said your nose will no?

well when he sais my nose will grow nothing will happen meaning he was lying making his nose grow meaning he was telling the truth creating a loop hole which will means his nose will for ever keep extending and the moral is that pinocchio shouldn't say my nose will now grow another of my theories is that he'll say it once and the univerce will shatter and pinocchio will tumble through the viod until he dies that is if the laws of death and life apply outside the univerce or maby both will happen

Do children continue to grow?

Hello, To answer your question, yes, children do continue to grow. You don't stop growing 'till your 30 years old. But, your nose, ears, hair and nails keep on growing your whole lifetime. So in conclusion, yes children continue growing, but so do you. I hope this somewhat answered your question.

Do your ears continue to grow all your life?

Of course they do, when your a baby you start out with small ears and a nose but they grow. They usually stop growing about age 13. And when you look at a pic of when you are a toddler and a pic of you now, there is a difference! Feet continue to grow throughout your lifetime as well.

What structure of the eye continue to grow throughout a lifetime?

A perons ears and nose grows through out their entire life.

Does everyone grow?

Yes, everyone does grow. Unless you have a diesease where you can't, but other than that, everyone does grow. Your body stops growing at 30 years old and up, but your nose, ears and hair will continue to grow, even your nails, throughout your whole lifetime.

Which part of the body does not stop grow from birth?

Hair, Cells, Nails. Your muscles, bones, and organs stop growing after it reaches maturity, but honestly i don't know if your nose and ears continue to grow

Does your nose grow during puberty?

It will grow proportionally to the rest of the body

If you pick your nose will it grow big?

No, you would have to insert something in your nose (not recomended!) and leave it there to stretch the skin to make your nose grow bigger - you cannot alter the size or shape of your nose by just picking it

What would happen if Pinocchio said My nose is going to grow now?

The fact is that if pinochio said this he would be lying,so therefore his nose would grow,but then his lie would become true,and again because he spoke the truth his nose would shrink,which would make him a lier again,so therefore it would result in a never ending occurence of his nose growing and shrinking. its almost like if you took viagra and steroids at the same time or you can use the bubble theory and state that in one dimension his nose will grow and in another it would shrink or you can say that one half of his nose would grow and the other would shrink making it a...wait for it...half truth"he he" Then again, saying "my nose will grow" is a presumption for the future and a vague one at that. If he said that his nose would grow in the future, but did not specify when it would, so as long as his nose had the ability to grow, then the statement would be neither be false or true. If his nose could not grow, then his statement would be false, but if his nose could not grow, then he would have already broken the curse. But if he thought he knew that his nose could not grow any more, then it would be a lie, and therefor his nose would grow. Then, in 200 milliseconds (average human reaction time), after realizing that his statement was in fact truth, his nose would shrink again. It would therefor not grow again as he had already satisfied the condition of his nose growing once.

Does your nose grow as long as you live?
