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The order of addition of individual vectors does not affect the final result. The reason is that "addition is commutative", meaning C=A +B = B + A. The laws of multiplication fro vectors is non-commutative and AxB = - BxA. Multiplication of vectors is non-commutative.

Vectors and Reals make up our natural numbers called Quaternions . Given a quaternion A=Ar + Av where Ar is the real part of A and Av is the vector part of A and B=Br +Bv, the product is:

AB=(Ar + Av)(Br + Bv)= (ArBr - Av.Bv) + (ArBv + AvBr + AvxBv)

If the vectors are perpendicular Av.Bv=0, (the dot '.' denotes the cosine product).

If the vectors are parallel AvxBv=0, (the cross 'x' denotes the sine product).

Unfortunately quaternions multiplication is not taught in schools. Quaternions simplify algebra, trigonometry and vectors. Quaternions are also the natural numbers of the Universe.

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2w ago

No, the order of addition of individual vectors does not affect the final resultant vector as vector addition is commutative. This means that the final result will be the same regardless of the order in which the vectors are added.

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Q: Does the order of addition of indivitual vectors affect the final resultant vector and why?
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How does the order that the vectors are combined affect the displacement?

The order in which vectors are combined affects the overall displacement because vector addition is not commutative. The resultant vector will be different depending on the direction and magnitude of each individual vector. To find the total displacement, you must consider both the direction and magnitude of each vector in relation to the others.

How is the resultant displacement affected when 2 displacement vectors are added in a different order?

The resultant displacement will remain the same regardless of the order in which the displacement vectors are added together. This is because vector addition is commutative, meaning that changing the order of addition does not affect the final result.

Will changing the order of your displacements in the vector diagram affect magnitude and direction?

No, changing the order of displacements in a vector diagram does not affect the magnitude or direction of the resultant displacement. The resultant displacement depends only on the initial and final positions, not the order in which the displacements are added.

How unbalanced forces change the motion of objects?

Unbalanced forces cause objects to accelerate in the direction of the larger force. This acceleration can be in the same direction as the force (causing the object to speed up), in the opposite direction (slowing down), or changes the direction of motion. The net result is a change in the object's velocity.

What affect the half life of a radioactive substance A the mass of the substance B the temperature of the substance C the addition of a catalyst D the type?

A. The half-life of a radioactive substance is determined by the specific decay process of that substance, so it is not affected by the mass of the substance or the temperature. B. The mass of the substance does not affect the half-life of a radioactive substance. C. The addition of a catalyst does not affect the half-life of a radioactive substance. D. The type of radioactive substance directly determines its half-life, as different substances undergo radioactive decay at varying rates.

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Does the order of addition of indivitual vectors affect the final resultant vector?

no it does not affect the outcome

How angle between vectors affects the resultant?

The Law of Cosines shows the affect of the angle between vectors. R^2 = (A+B)(A +B)*= (AA* + BB* + 2ABcos(AB)) If the angle is less than 90 degrees the resultant squared R^2 is greater than the sum of the vectors squared. If the angle is 90 degrees the resultant squared is the sum of the vectors squared. If the angle is greater than 90 degrees, the resultant squared is less than the Sum of the vectors squared.

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The resultant displacement will remain the same regardless of the order in which the displacement vectors are added together. This is because vector addition is commutative, meaning that changing the order of addition does not affect the final result.

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No. The order of adding vectors does not affect the magnitude or direction. of the result.

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Unbalanced forces cause objects to accelerate in the direction of the larger force. This acceleration can be in the same direction as the force (causing the object to speed up), in the opposite direction (slowing down), or changes the direction of motion. The net result is a change in the object's velocity.

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No, changing the order of displacements in a vector diagram does not affect the magnitude or direction of the resultant displacement. The resultant displacement depends only on the initial and final positions, not the order in which the displacements are added.

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