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Statutes vary by state, but generally yes. The problem is proving she is not. Before you go off trying to prove it, don't bother. What you can do, if you feel she is not providing the daily needs of the child, you may petition the courts for a change of custody, removing the children from her. Doing this, it would be necessary to prove abuse, negligence, or an unsafe environment. Before you begin such an action, consider the consequences to your children. There will be trauma, and you would be the one causing it, at least the one catalyzing it.

You have to consider what is best for the children, and if the mistake you made getting involved with the mother is worth making them pay for it. It was your mistake after all; they had nothing to do with it. Sometimes as fathers, we have no choice but to lay down, especially when we played a role in making the situation a reality.

If basic needs of your children are being met, whether by you or by her, let it go, what ever it is. As long as your children are safe, take the hit and drive on. It's only money, and child support doesn't last forever. Live secure in the knowledge that if she is abusing the situation between you, karma will balance the situation one day. Just make sure that you are on the right side of karma.

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14y ago

Your ex is paying CHILD SUPPORT so you can SUPPORT your KIDS. Your ex would be paying for the clothing no matter what.

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13y ago

no, see link below

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Does the father have the right to know where child support is going in Illinois?

No. Sad but true. The parent receiving the support does not have to provide proof of how it is being spent. Child support is in place to help house, feed, clothe and educate the child. If it pays an electric bill, then that is what it pays.

Can you get into trouble if your paying child support for a child and you live with the person your paying the child support to?

No, as long as the money paid is going to the house where the child lives then you can not get into trouble at all. However, if the child and her mother are receiving any form of state assistance you and the mother could get into trouble for committing fraud.

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Yes, you would have to send the money to the relatives as Child Support is to help feed, clothe and educate the minor child.Send your support to the courts or to the State disbursement unit. DO NOT send any money to the obligor/other relatives unless you want it to be considered a gift.

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The State child support agency can file a lien on the house.

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The family with whom the minor child is living would be required to file suit against the parent currently receiving the child support monies if they wish to be reimbursed for expenses related to the minor child. The child support monies do not automatically revert to the person(s) with whom the minor child is residing. The current support order will stay in effect and all terms must be adhered to until the order is amended or rescinded. The parent receiving the child support monies has the legal obligation to inform the court of the minor child's change of residence. If the custodial parent objects to the minor's living arrangements the court may order the minor to return to the parental home.

Can a wife gets child support from her husband even if they live in the same house?

No. Child support is paid by absent parents.

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You are in 12Th grade and will be 18 in 2 months are you legally intitled to your Pennsylvania child support that your mom receives for you if you move out?

~Actually that money is for the child since the order was created. Therefore if the original order said over the age of 18 as many are until the child turns 18 then the child is entitled to the money as they have always been entitled to the money. Child support is used by the custodial parent to care for the child, therefore when the child is no longer living in the house, there is no "custodial" parent. This is especially true for child receiving support payments who are in college.For the original poster. I would be careful to check the original court order to determine if you are entitled to any money if you are over the age of 18 and if you are over the age of 18 what the conditions to continue receiving the money are. You may have to be in college.

Can child support put a lien on your house if your husband's name is not on it and he owes the child support and the house is in your name?

Only if the married couple reside in a community property state and the property was bought during the marriage.

Can lien be placed on a vehicle for back child support in Ohio?

Yes, major assets such as a car or a house can be seized in order to pay child support.

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Children are not "emancipated" from child support. They are "entitled" to financial support by the non-custodial parent. In general, children become emancipated by leaving their parent(s)' house and becoming self-supporting. Child support is usually not due for an emancipated child.