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yes, it has 4 seasons. Each lasts 7.5 years. yes, it has 4 seasons. Each lasts 7.5 years.

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15y ago

Saturn has seasons, like those of planet Earth, but Saturn's season's last for over seven years. Usually you always get hurricanes or even very cold air.

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Q: Does Saturn have a very tilted axis giving it extreme seasons?
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Which planet has a tilted axis so that the planet has seasons?

Uranus and Pluto have a tilt and have extreme seasons. Mars, Saturn, and Neptune have seasons that are similar to ours.

Does neptune have a very tilted axis giving it extreme seasons?

Not particularly: 28 degrees compared to the earth's 23 degrees.

What is Saturn's axial tilt?

Saturn is tilted 27 degrees. This gives Sarurn seasons.

Does Venus have a very tilted axis giving it very extreme seasons?

No it does not because its axial tilt is only 3%.I was just learning this in science or otherwise I woud not have known about this. So no Ceres does not have seasons!

Why if the earth was tilted at a different angle you would have no seasons?

Well...You would have seasons, if it was tilted greater than 23.5 degrees the seasons would change in temperatures dramatically. Winters more extreme, summers hotter...

What two planets are tilted and have seasons?

Mars and Earth are tilted and have seasons.

What are the names of saturns seasons?

Saturn does have seasons, each of them lasting over nine years. The thickness of Saturn's rings though hard to see at times show what season the ringed planet is in. It takes 29 years for Saturn to complete its journey around the Sun. As Saturn moves along its orbit, first one hemisphere, then the other is tilted towards the Sun. This change causes seasons on Saturn, just as the Earth's tilt causes seasons on our planet. This allows Saturn to experience the same four seasons.

The tilt of the Saturn's axis does it effect Saturn's seasons?

If Saturn's northern hemishere tilts toward the sun or the southern hemishere tilts toward the sun.Then really the axis does effect the seasons cause if the northern hemishere is tilted toward the sun , then it would be some kind of season. So, the axis of any planet always effects the seasons. If Saturn's northern hemishere tilts toward the sun or the southern hemishere tilts toward the sun.Then really the axis does effect the seasons cause if the northern hemishere is tilted toward the sun , then it would be some kind of season. So, the axis of any planet always effects the seasons.

Why don't we have seasons if the axis is tilted?

On the contrary, we have seasons precisely because the Earth's axis is tilted.

Why is Mars tilted?

It's not tilted. Do you mean Saturn or Nepune?

What is caused by your tilted axis and your orbit?

The seasons are caused by the tilted axis and orbit. The axis is tilted with respect to its orbital plane.