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There are no atoms or elements shared (or owned) in a chemical bond.

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3d ago

No, in a chemical bond, atoms share electrons to achieve stability. The sharing of electrons varies depending on the elements involved, and neither atom "owns" the shared electrons. The electrons are shared between the atoms to form a stable bond.

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Q: Does the smaller element get to own the shared atom in a chemical bond?
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What is the smallest piece of a chemical element called?

An ATOM!!!! An atom can be sub-divided in to protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Can elements be separated into smaller parts using chemical means?

No. An Element is an atom. An atom is the smallest particle. Atoms cannot be broken down into smaller things. Ever.

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An atom. Anything smaller is an atomic particle from which all elements are made.An atom is the smallest particle of an element that has properties of that element.An atom is the smallest unit of an element that retains the properties of that element.

Why can't elements be separated into smaller parts using chemicals means?

Elements are the simplest form of matter and cannot be broken down into smaller parts using chemical means because they consist of only one type of atom. Chemical reactions involve the rearrangement of atoms to form new substances, but they do not change the actual identity of the atoms involved. To separate elements into smaller parts would require breaking down the atomic structure itself, which is beyond the capability of chemical processes.

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The atom of an element is smaller than a molecule.

What is atom and who discovered atom?

An atom is the basic unit of matter, consisting of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons. The concept of the atom was first proposed by ancient Greek philosophers such as Democritus and Leucippus, but modern understanding of the atom was developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by scientists like J.J. Thomson, Ernest Rutherford, and Niels Bohr.

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Chlorine is a chemical element.

How many atoms are in an atom?

An atom of a chemical element contain only atom.

What formula represents a single atom?

The formula for a single atom is its elemental symbol, which is a one or two-letter abbreviation representing the element (e.g., H for hydrogen, O for oxygen). Each element has a unique symbol that is used to represent it in chemical formulas and equations.

Is an atom a piece of an element?

atom - smallest piece of an element that keeps its chemical properties; compound - substance that can be broken into elements by chemical reactions

What is smaller an atom or an element?

Cannot answer your question in a meaningful way as there is no comparison. An element is composed of atoms that are all of the same element. While one atom of an element is that element, it does not have the bulk properties we associate with the element in everyday life, due to quantum effects. Your question could be analogous to "Which is smaller a golf ball or a pile of one or more golf balls?" But I can't account for the quantum effects in this analogy. Also atoms of different elements are different sizes: an atom of the element hydrogen is much smaller than an atom of the element gold. However one mole of atoms of the element hydrogen at standard temperature & pressure is much larger than one mole of atoms of the element gold at standard temperature & pressure, because hydrogen is a gas and gold is a solid.

What is The smallest particle of an element t?

An atom. An atom can be split into smaller pieces, but if you do that, you no longer have the same element.