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Q: Does the song the real slim shady have a bad word in it?
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What is the root word of illuminating?

im slim shady yes im the real shady

Who hates slim shady?

Nobody as hate is the wrong word to use, people may dislike him though.

How Clean is EVERY song on Eminem's clean CD Curtain Call The Hits I know some don't censor s and some do so I need to know about all songs?

The ones from The Marshall Mathers LP (Stan, The Way I Am, The Real Slim Shady), do not censor the "s" word (sh_t), but besides that, every other explicit word or remark is censored.

What is 'slim-shady' when translated from English to French?

Mince (et) sombre is a French equivalent of the English word "slim-shady." The pronunciation of the feminine/masculine singular phrase -- which appears most famously as the alter ego of Missouri-born rapper Eminem (born Marshall Bruce Mathers III, October 17, 1972) -- will be "mehs somb" in northerly French and "mehs (sey) som-bruh" in southerly French.

Is slim an adverb?

No, the word "slim" is not an adverb.The word "slim" is an adjective, a verb and a noun.

What is a synonym for the word shady?


What is the Latin root word for light?

The Latin syllable luc- means light in the sense of the visible energy. The Latin syllable lum- refers to the source of that energy. The Latin syllable lev- refers to light, as the opposite of heavy.

Is shady an adverb?

No, it is not an adverb. The word shady is an adjective. The rarely-used adverb form is shadily.

What is luhya for slim?

The Luhya word for the the English word 'slim' is "omunyereree".

What is a four letter word for thin and narrow not wide or thick?

Probably "slender".

How do you say shady in french?

The word "shady" in French can be translated as "sombre" or "douteux."

What word is slang for suspicious?

Hinky Fishy Shady