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No they do not. They consist of basically a glycerol back bone attached to 3 fatty acid chains.

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Q: Does triglycerides have a phosphate group?
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What forms when two fatty acids combine with a phosphate group?

Two fatty acids and a phosphate group are found in a phospholipid.Strictly, there is glycerol in there as well.The lipids known as triglycerides are formed from glycerol and three fatty acids. You can think of most phospholipids as being triglycerides with one of the outer fatty acids replaced by a phosphate group. Usually, the phosphate group is part of a larger group.In one common phospholipid, sphingomyelin, there is serine instead of glycerol.The phospholipids are important components of all cell membranes, internal and external.

What three components make up a dna nucleotide?

Out of these options: cytidine, phosphate group, ribose Guanine, phosphate group, ribose adenine, phosphate group, ribose cytosine, phosphate group, ribose deoxyribose, phosphate group, thymine deoxyribose, phosphate group, uracil The answer is: deoxyribose, phosphate group, thymine

Does rna have a phosphate group or a hydroxyl group?

Each RNA nucleotide has a phosphate group.

Po4 functional group?


Does RNA contain a phosphate group like DNA?

yes , it contains a phosphate group.

What is found in a nucleotide?

deoxyribose + phosphate group + cytosine deoxyribose+ phosphate group+ cytosine

How does ATP become ADP?

through the release of phosphate group

What chemical group is at the end of the 5 prime end of DNA strand?

5' - phosphate group 3' - hydroxyl group

What is a molecule that has a glycerol backbone two fatty acid chains and phosphate containing compound?

Fatty acids and glycerol may combine to form monoglycerides, diglycerides and triglycerides (normal fats and oils). Addition of a phosphate group to a diglyceride will give a membrane lipid (phospholipid).

What best describes a nucleotide structure?

a nitrogenous base, phosphate group, and pentose sugar

Why is phosphate group in parenthese?

You would place a phosphate group in parentheses if more than one group is needed to make the compound. For example, magnesium phosphate has the formula Mg3(PO4)2.

Is phosphate hydrophilic or hydrophobic?

The phosphate group is polar. Therefore it is Hydrophilic.