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NO, most all drugs are processed by the liver(broken down) then the by products of this process as pass through the urine as waste products. That is what urine drug tests actually test for are the by products of drug's metabolism by the body's, not the actual drug its self.

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Q: Does urinating often lower THC levels in the body?
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What are the effects of an UTI?

Usually UTI or urinary Tract Infections cause burning sensation when urinating or pain when urinating, itchiness, foul smelling odor when urinating and chill and Fever which are classic symptoms of infection in the body.

Why diabetes guys urinated often?

It may be due to him having ketones in his blood stream. They're basically the sugar that cells were unable to use because no insulin is present. The body tries to naturally flush the ketones out of the body via the urinary system. Therefore, since one's always urinating, he is also very thirsty because he is constantly loosing liquids by urinating.

How does your body get rid of extra vitamin?

It is excreted through urine.

How are toxins removed from the body?

There are three ways; Urinating, Sweating and Bowel movements.

Why do we do p.e?

First off sex has nothing to do with urinating. Humans or any other animal urinates to rid their body of unwanted viruses, bad cells, and anything that can harm the human body. Urinating is one of the many ways the human body cleans itself.