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Yes, it is true.

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1w ago

Yes, using the tare function on a balance allows you to subtract the mass of a container to measure only the mass of the contents, which is equivalent to determining the mass by difference. Both methods help you accurately measure the mass of the substance without including the mass of the container.

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Q: Does using the tare function on the balance produce the same result as determining the mass by difference?
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What results in the difference of haemoglobin levels from one person to the other?

The difference in hemoglobin levels between individuals is largely influenced by genetics, diet, age, altitude, and overall health status. Genetics play a significant role in determining an individual's baseline hemoglobin levels, while factors such as iron intake, chronic diseases, and kidney function can also affect hemoglobin levels. Additionally, living at higher altitudes can stimulate the body to produce more hemoglobin to compensate for lower oxygen levels in the air.

Why is chloride important to the body?

Chloride is important for maintaining proper fluid balance, helping to regulate blood pressure, and supporting proper nerve and muscle function. It also plays a key role in digestion by helping to produce stomach acid necessary for breaking down food.

Do potatoes produce oxygen?

Yes, potatoes do produce a small amount of oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. However, their main function is to store energy in the form of starch rather than produce oxygen.

Why is the heat content of coal important in determining how the coal is used?

The heat content of coal, measured in British thermal units (BTU) per pound, determines how much energy the coal can produce when burned. This is important in determining the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of using coal as a fuel source. Higher heat content coal can produce more energy per pound, making it more desirable for power generation and other industrial applications.

What kind of light bulbs produce carbon dioxide?

No light bulbs produce carbon dioxide as a byproduct of their function. Carbon dioxide is typically produced by burning fossil fuels for electricity generation, heating, or transportation.

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