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No. We cannot get oxygen from water. The oxygen that forms part of the water itself is locked away in H2O molecules and our bodies have no way of extracting it. Most water does contain dissolved oxygen, but since we do not have gills we cannot extract that either.

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1mo ago

Drinking water does not directly add oxygen to your body. Oxygen is primarily obtained by breathing in air into your lungs, where it is absorbed into your bloodstream. Drinking water is important for overall health and hydration, but it does not provide oxygen in the same way that breathing does.

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Q: Does water put oxygen in your body?
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Fish extract dissolved oxygen from the water by passing the water through their gill slits. Inside the gills is very thin tissue that can 'grab' oxygen right out of the water and put carbon dioxide waste into the water.

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Your lungs are connected to the outside world, to take in oxygen and put out carbon dioxide (water vapor, etc.); lungs use blood vessels to exchange taken in oxygen with the rest of your body.

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The circulatory system, which includes the heart, blood vessels, and blood, carries food, water, and oxygen to body cells. Oxygen is carried by red blood cells, nutrients by plasma, and water is distributed throughout the body.

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As far as I know, it is the blood of your body that carries oxygen to all of your body parts.

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The body needs water, food, oxygen, and shelter to survive. Water is essential for hydration and bodily functions, food provides energy and nutrients, oxygen is needed for respiration, and shelter protects the body from environmental hazards.

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Water (H2O) would have much of the hydrogen and oxygen in the body.

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Water can be depleted of it's oxygen by a number of different ways. Short of putting the water in a vacuum and "sucking" the dissolved oxygen out, oxygen-breathing organisms such as fish take oxygen from the water through respiration, for example. It is unlikely a large body of water to become completely deoxygenated due to the presence of photosynthetic aquatic organisms (plants) and the fact that oxygen is also dissolved in the water at the water's surface.

What part of the body take oxygen that your body needs from the air and put it in your bloodstream?

Your nose and mouth.

Apart from drinking how does water enter your body?

By breathing, Oxygen is part water.