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Refrigerating bread will make it go stale sooner. Freezing it doesn't have the same effect. Whther or not you refrigerate or freeze bread depends on how quickly it will be finished, how warm and/or humid the area the bread is in is, and whether the bread contains preservatives. Refrigerating the bread won't hurt it; it's mainly a matter of how fresh it tastes.

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Daoud Oubezza

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4y ago

Same. My parents always put our bread in the fridge, and that's what I do with my bread now. I did accidentally leave a loaf out once and it went bad real fast. But according to some quick googling, putting it in the refrigerator is not good You can check this article :

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15y ago

It does not need to be, but if kept in the fridge it will stay mold free for up to twice as long as it would in a cupboard.

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15y ago

you don't have to you just put it in a bag and then put it in a drawer.

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11y ago

to make sure it does not get spoilt

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Q: Does whole wheat bread need to be refrigerated?
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Does white bread have a higher moisture level than wheat bread?

White bread is a wheat bread. Now if you mean 'whole wheat' versus white, then the whole wheat is made from flour that still contains the bran and germ of the wheat grain. Plain white flour is made from only the endosperm. Whole wheat bread is considered healthier than plain white bread. Please note that there is a white whole wheat flour on the market.

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On a road trip it is important to make sure prepared meals are easy, but still healthy. Make food that does not need to be refrigerated, such as a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread, or a simple salad.

Does all gluten free bread need to be refrigerated?

poo yeah, mate!

Is bread good for diabetic patients?

Nothing should really be considered good or bad when it comes to food. I prefer to think of good, not so good, or not good at all as the categories of nutritional value. For a diabetic they need to be careful about carbohydrates. Since bread is a high source of carbs, then the next thing to find out is if it is white bread or whole wheat. The whole wheat would digest slower and so easier on their body systems. But then, you could ask if it is 100% whole wheat or just made with some whole wheat? And then that could lead to 100% whole wheat or multigrain? And then what are they eating it with and when in relation to their blood sugar level. And then… you should have a picture by now that even a simple question may not be all that simple. The reason I mention this is that there are many factors that need to be considered in such a situation, and to get the best possible outcomes it would be a good idea to have this kind of conversation with a physician or nutritionist, or both.

You are using division to determine how much whole wheat flour to use in a bread recipe Is an estimated answer good enough?

yes but you have to over estimate because you need more just in case.

Are whole wheat and whole grain the same thing?

Don't assume that "whole grain" is something other than wheat. Read the labels. There are whole grains that are not wheat - rice, corn, oats - but most whole grain breads include wheat. If you cannot eat wheat because of the gluten, then you need to become familiar with other grains that you should avoid - which might include rye and barley or even oats.

What are the natural crops of france?

The only natural crops of France I can think of is wheat and grapes. they need wheat to make bread, and they need grapes to make their famous wine.

What is the difference between bran bread and brown bread?

There are many different kinds of bread, and the different names can be confusing. Some names are just marketing terms, but some have real meaning - and that's the case with white bread, brown bread, and wholemeal bread.To see the difference we need to look at the wheat flour from which these breads are made. Flour is simply milled wheat; wheat that has been ground into a powder. Another name for any milled grain is "meal", by the way.Each grain of wheat has three parts. On the outside is the rough husk which is known as the bran. It's thin but fibrous and woody, and comprises about 15% of the grain. Most of the inside of the seed is the endosperm, which comprises about 85% of the grain. At the bottom of the endosperm is the germ, the tiny part from which the new plant would grow.The germ is loaded with nutrients: niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc, plus some protein and fat. The bran, too, is nutritious containing niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. It also contains lots of fiber, which helps our body's digestive processes. The endosperm is mostly protein and carbohydrate and contains only small amounts of vitamins and minerals.Wholemeal flour is made from the whole lot - the bran, the endosperm and the germ. It's the most nutritious kind of flour. Brown flour is what you get if most of the bran is removed. It does have a small amount of fiber but generally the brown color is due to added caramel. White flour is made from only the endosperm and for this reason is the least nutritious kind of flour.The breads are named corresponding to the flour from which they are made. Wholemeal bread is made from wholemeal flour, brown bread from brown flour, and white bread from white flour. Because white and brown flour and bread are low in nutrients, many countries including the UK require them to be fortified with iron, thiamine, niacin, chalk (calcium) and folic acid.Bread is usually made from "strong" flour, which means flour from high-protein varieties of wheat.

Why it is necessary to use at lease some wheat flour when making bread?

it is necessary to have sufficient wheat flour to produce the framework for the bread because wheat flour is the only flour with high gluten content. (edit) It is possible to make bread entirely gluten-free, but you need a binding agent to replace the gluten, otherwise your bread will have a strange texture.

What bread are made from rice flour?

Fruit Bread , Wheat Bread Are Made From Rice Flour ======================================== Rice flour is generally used in place of wheat flour to make a gluten-free bread. To give it a texture similar to a wheat bread, xanthan gum is generally added. Some flat breads like rotli apparently do not need the gum. There are some idli recipes using flour.

How can I get a low glycemic index?

To get a low glycemic index you need to eat more bran, rolled oats, natural muesli, whole wheat bread, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, tomatoes, peaches and apples.

Name a food that doesn't need to be refrigerated?

bread, bananas, cookies, chips, potatoes, canned goods, cereal