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I wanted to ask the same question, but after reading yours it is a little clearer. From my experience with my narcissist partner he knows even though he pretends not to. When we do anything or go anywhere I pay. He's always broke he says but is very sorry I have to pay. When he would go pick something up for me at the store with my credit card he would stop and fill up his truck with gas and not tell me. When he bought me an engagement ring but ask could he put it on my ccard because he had no credit I was dumb enough to say yes and pretend to be happy. When payment came due he was always broke..I had to make. When I would finally tell him how it hurt my feeling to make my own engagement ring payment when he told me how broke he was and couldn't make it but same day get sterio system installed in his truck he made me feel so bad I just hung my head. He works hard for his money he says and he deserved something for himself.

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Q: Does your partner who is a narcissist understand that he is abusing you emotionally and espesially financially?
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It's difficult to prove a negative. If a narcissist finds out some of those characteristics, all he has to do is be a good actor. Not being a narcissist is the only quality one could have to prove one is not a narcissist. There is no act a person can perform or one thing a person can do that would prove once and for all that the person is not and never has been and never will be a narcissist. Yet all the same, if you are not a narcissist, other people will recognize this fact, just as if you are, that too will come to light. Empathy. Narcissist's do not posess it nor do they understand it.

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"Empathic" means able and likely to understand how other people feel emotionally.

How do you make a narcissist feel special?

First you need to understand the mind of a narcissist. Psychological Narcissism is defined by overt behaviors that boost ones ego at the disparaging effects of another. If you wish to aide their psychological problem, you would compliment them and degrade yourself to their satisfaction. However, it's never wise to attempt to feed into the ego of a narcissist as you only further the progression of the illness.

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An emotionally abusive man (or woman) is not capable of true, pure love. The person does this to you because he or she lacks self esteem, as hard as that may seem to understand. Saying he doesn't "love" you anymore is another way for him to emotionally and mentally abuse you.

How do you help a narcissist?

The question is help them how? Refer them to counseling, but they don't want to be fixed, though you may want to fix them to be a 'normal' person so you can keep a relationship with them. If you are a lay person and in a relationship with a narcissist, you cannot help them. Just by the nature of your relationship and the pathology of a narcissist, things will get ugly, it will be at your expense and there will be no change in the narcissist. A good therapist will be the one to help a narcissist, but it takes a great deal of work on the part of the narcissist, a commitment to healing, only they don't see themselves as 'broken' or anything wrong with them, so an honest introspective communication with a therapist is rare. It's so hard to understand. Leaving them is best for you though and isn't that sad that that is also the way to help a narcissist, because they are sucking your goodness from you and using it to buoy themselves. So sad.

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Because emotionally healthy people do not cut, do not understand it, and feel empathy for people who do.

What is a narcissist's greatest fear?

A narcissists greatest fear is to be all alone in their life, with no one to control or belittle. Not until then does the narcissist truly understand that they are in fact worth Less than other people. Since they are empty shallow people, they need to be filled up by others. So solitude is their absolute greatest fear..