

Dolerite rock where?

Updated: 6/10/2024
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10y ago

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Dolerite also called "Rowley Rag" can be found in Rowley Regis,West Midlands,England.

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2d ago

Dolerite is a type of volcanic rock that is commonly found in dikes and sills. It is formed from the slow cooling of magma underground. Dolerite can be found in various regions around the world where there has been volcanic activity in the past.

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Q: Dolerite rock where?
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Which is a coarse-grained igneous rock composed of mainly pyroxene plagioclase feldspar and olivine?


Dolerite and gabbro are both igneous rocks Dolerite has crystals about 1 mm across and gabbro has crystals about 5 mm across What does this indicate about the formation of these rocks?

The difference in crystal size suggests that dolerite cooled more quickly than gabbro. Rapid cooling typically results in smaller crystals, while slower cooling allows for larger crystals to form. This indicates that dolerite is likely to have formed from an extrusive volcanic process, while gabbro likely formed from a slower cooling intrusive process.

What is the difference between granite and dolerite?

Granite is felsic means having more than 65% SiO2 whereas dolerite is mafic having 45 to 52 SiO2.

Is Eyjafjallajokull on a constructive plate boundry?

Yes. It is believed to have erupted in 2010 twice because of the constructive margin. The plates were pulled apart by convection currents then because of this basalt lava seeps in to form a new crust beneath the sea and existing volcano. Much of the magma was intruded as dolerite dykes (thin sheets of igneous rock.) New lava and dykes then added extra crust at each side of the spreading ridge.

Is eyjafjallajokull on a plate boundry?

Yes. It is believed to have erupted in 2010 twice because of the constructive margin. The plates were pulled apart by convection currents then because of this basalt lava seeps in to form a new crust beneath the sea and existing volcano. Much of the magma was intruded as dolerite dykes (thin sheets of igneous rock.) New lava and dykes then added extra crust at each side of the spreading ridge.

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Is Dolerite Rock rough or smooth?

Dolerite is very rough.

What is dolerite made out of?

Igneous Rock :)

What metamorphic rock is formed by dolerite?


How was the Dolerite Ball used in Ancient Egypt?

It wuz used for pounding into a rock. the dolerite ball was very. very hard.

Can light be seen through dolerite?

Light can pass through dolerite, although the amount of light that is transmitted will depend on the thickness and composition of the rock. Dolerite is a dark igneous rock that is typically fine-grained, so it may not be transparent but light can still penetrate it to some extent.

Is conglomerate intrusive or extrusive?

Neither. Conglomerate is a sedimentary rock. Intrusive and extrusive are descriptive terms used to classify igneous rocks.

What type of rocks are dolerite rocks?

Dolerite rocks are a type of igneous rocks (formed as a result of cooling of magma or lava). They are mafic (45-52% SiO2), and subvolcanic (formed within the earth's crust). Within this characterisation there is considerable variation. Please see the link.

Variety of igneous rock containing a large amount of feldspar usually found in sillsand dykes?


What tools did carvers use?

Stone carvers would use a special granite rock called ''Dolerite.''

What is a dolerite dyke?

A dolerite dyke is a sheet-like igneous intrusion that cuts across the surrounding rock formations. It is composed mainly of medium-grained dolerite rock that solidified from magma that intruded into existing rock layers. Dolerite dikes are common in areas with volcanic activity or tectonic movement.

Dolerite and gabbro are both igneous rocks Dolerite has crystals about 1 mm across and gabbro has crystals about 5 mm across What does this indicate about the formation of these rocks?

The difference in crystal size suggests that dolerite cooled more quickly than gabbro. Rapid cooling typically results in smaller crystals, while slower cooling allows for larger crystals to form. This indicates that dolerite is likely to have formed from an extrusive volcanic process, while gabbro likely formed from a slower cooling intrusive process.

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