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Q: Drinks within a 4 hour time span regardless of height and weight can get you a BAC of. 01?
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Is the Biggest Loser Club for weight loss?

Yes, the Biggest Loser Club is an online resource for weight loss assistance. Once you sign up and pay the required fees, you can gain access to diet plans and exercise goals based on your weight and height. You can also seek advice and support for your weight loss from other club members within the online forum.

What is the average height for a 26 year old?

There is no average height for a 34-year-old woman. In a healthy adult height is not related to age. There is, however, statistical information about the height of women (and men) in relation to nationality trends. For more information about the average height of women (and men) in different countries, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

What is the average height for a 23 year old male?

Probably between 5'8 - 5'10.There is no specific height for a 25-year-old male. Height is related to nationality rather than age. To learn about the average height of men in different parts of the world, see the page link further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

What is the fundic height measurement per month?

The fundic height (in centimeters) actually corresponds to the age of gestation in weeks. This is true within 16-32 weeks of pregnancy. So if you're 18 weeks preganant, you're fundic height would measure approximately 18 cm. If you're 19 weeks preganant, you're fundic height would measure approximately 19 cm and so on.

What are painless ways to rapidly get shorter in height?

Do lots of squats. maybe 50 a day. If thats painful for you,squat while watching tv. You may get shorter within a week.

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Are you fat if you are 12 years old and your bmi is 24?

BMI (Body Mass Index) is the ratio between height and weight-- the asker has already entered the relevant height and weight. Regardless of what height was plugged into the equation, a BMI of 24 is definitely within the normal range.

How many drinks within a 4 hour time span regardless of height and weight can get you a BAC of .01?

Alcohol metabolizes at the rate of 1oz. per hour; you would have to know the alcohol content of the beer. If you drank 4 cans or 48 oz. of 12% alcohol content beer, I would allow 6 hours to be safe, because everybodys metabolism is different.

What is Abe Simpson's height and weight?

That information has apparently not been established within the context of the show.

What is the weight requirement for the army?

The weight requirement for the army depends on a person's height and age. Generally, applicants must fall within a specified weight range based on their height to meet the army's standards. It's best to check with a recruiter for specific weight requirements.

How can hypercholesterolemia be prevented?

Experts suggest the following steps to maintain serum cholesterol within normal limits: an important component is to maintain a normal weight for height and to reduce one's weight if it is inappropriate for height. Changing dietary habits.

Is 165lbs is good for 21 year old 5'11 height?

you fall well within the range of a medical weight chart. your weight is very good for your height. always remember, better to be a little on the thin side than on the heavy side.........

Where does a drinks can come from?

from a factory that makes drinks where the drink itself is sealed within the can.

What is the Perfect weight for 6 feet height?

The ideal weight can only be determined by knowing the height, age, and gender. You can fill this information in on the Halls-MD site, and it will give you the ideal weight. Click on the ( link indicated within the related links section below this answer box, and it will take you to the sight.

How much should your weight be if you are 23 years old and your height is 164 cm and you are a girl?

Your "normal" weight for your age group an your height should be within 108 pounds to 145 pounds. Anything below 108 in considered "Underweight" and anything above 145 is considered "Overweight" for your age an height range.

What is 'the average' height and weight of a 21-35yo white American male?

The average height of a 21-35yo white American male is around 5 feet 9 inches (175 cm), and the average weight is approximately 195 pounds (88 kg). It's important to note that individual height and weight can vary significantly within this demographic.

Should a girl 11 4'8ft and weigh 66lbs exercise everyday?

Everyone should exercise everyday. This weight and height are within the "normal" range. Although the weight is a little low.

Does a registered nurse have to be in shape?

Nurses do not have to be 'in shape', but it sure helps to have a strong back, strong legs, and be within weight limits for the nurse's height.