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(1000 kg ) / (1.29 kg/m^3) = 775 m^3

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Q: Dry air has a density of 1.29kgm 3 What would be the volume of a metric ton of air?
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Is density measured in cm-cubed?

No. cm^3 is a measure for volume. If you stick to the metric system, it would be grams/cm^3

What is the metric unit of the volume of a sink?

The metric volume of a sink would be measured in litres.

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The metric volume of a sink would be measured in litres.

What is density what is the formula how would you solve for volume how would you solve for mass?

density = mass / volume Solving for mass: mass = density x volume Solving for volume: volume = mass / density

What is the metric unit liquid volume of a sink?

The volume of a sink would be given in litres.

What the metric unit of a liquid volume a sink?

The metric volume of a sink would be measured in litres.

How would you find the density if you know the mass and volume?

Density = Mass/Volume

How much grams are in a milliliter?

If it's water, then it's 1 gr since water's density is 1 gr/ml. For anything else you need the density since grams are a weight metric while milliliter is a volume metric ... it would be like asking how many pounds in a gallon.

What is the mass of a sample divided by its volume?

The quantity you are describing is density, which is the mass of a substance per unit volume. Mathematically, density (D) is represented as mass (m) divided by volume (V), so D = m/V.

How do you calculate volume with density mass?

Density is equal to mass divided by volume, so to determine mass you would need to multiply density and volume.

How would you use the density formula to find the volume or mass of a sample?

You have to know two out of three ... mass, volume, density ... then you can find the missing one. If density is missing . . . Density = (mass)/(volume) If mass is missing . . . Mass = (density) x (volume) If volume is missing . . . Volume = (mass)/(density)

What would you use to measure density?

You would use a balance to measure the mass of an object and a ruler or calipers to measure its volume. Density is calculated by dividing the mass of an object by its volume.