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With the extreme heat and pressure causing the metamorphism into gneiss, the constituent minerals recrystallize into bands, usually alternating from light colored to dark, perpendicular to the direction of the pressure which is being applied. The exact cause of the banding is not fully understood at this time.

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2d ago

During metamorphism of granite into gneiss, the minerals in the granite recrystallize to form new minerals with a preferred orientation, creating the distinctive banding found in gneiss. The original minerals in the granite may also undergo chemical changes, resulting in the growth of new minerals such as biotite, garnet, or staurolite in the gneiss.

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Q: During metamorphism of granite into gneiss what happens to the minerals?
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When gneiss is formed... quartz... feldspar... mica... and other minerals of granite are rearranged into alternation WHAT?

When gneiss is formed, quartz, feldspar, mica, and other minerals of granite are rearranged into alternating light and dark bands or sheets. This distinctive layering is a result of the intense heat and pressure that gneiss is subjected to during the process of metamorphism.

What is an agent of metamorphism related to temperature?

An agent of metamorphism related to temperature is heat. Heat causes minerals in rocks to recrystallize or change mineral composition, leading to metamorphic changes in the rock. Temperature influences the degree of metamorphism and the types of minerals that form during the process.

What two properties of rock change during metamorphism?

During metamorphism, the texture and mineralogy of a rock can change. Texture refers to the size, shape, and arrangement of grains within the rock, while mineralogy refers to the types of minerals present in the rock.

Are rocks that are changed by metamorphism more or less dense?

Rocks that undergo metamorphism can become either more or less dense, depending on the specific changes that occur. For example, the recrystallization of minerals during metamorphism can often lead to an increase in density, while the introduction of new minerals or pore spaces can result in a decrease in density.

2 Describe what happens to each mineral within granite during the complete chemical weathering of granite in a humid environment?

During chemical weathering in a humid environment, feldspar in granite transforms into clay minerals due to hydrolysis, resulting in the breakdown of granite into smaller particles. Quartz, being resistant to weathering, remains relatively unchanged. Minor minerals like micas can also weather, with biotite breaking down into clay minerals while muscovite may weather into vermiculite or kaolinite.

Related questions

What happens to minerals during metamorphism of granite into gneiss?

With the extreme heat and pressure causing the metamorphism into gneiss, the constituent minerals recrystallize into bands, usually alternating from light colored to dark, perpendicular to the direction of the pressure which is being applied. The exact cause of the banding is not fully understood at this time.

During metamorphism of granite gneiss what happens to minerals?

With the extreme heat and pressure causing the metamorphism into gneiss, the constituent minerals recrystallize into bands, usually alternating from light colored to dark, perpendicular to the direction of the pressure which is being applied. The exact cause of the banding is not fully understood at this time.

Do minerals partly melt during metamorphism?


Why does the color of sedimentary rock change during metamorphism?

The color of sedimentary rock changes during metamorphism due to minerals. New minerals introduced can change the color of the rock.

Why does the color of granite never change?

The colour of granite does in fact change. For example it will change during the weathering process where feldspar minerals will change to clay minerals such as kaolinite. If the degree of weathering is high this can significantly alter the colour of the granite.

What is recrystallization process?

A process by which bonds between atoms in minerals break and reform in new ways during metamorphism.

Where does the water involved in melting at subduction zones come from?

Water contained within minerals in the subducting plate is released during metamorphism.

What is the planar alignment of minerals due to differential stress during metamorphism?

During metamorphism, minerals align perpendicular to the direction of maximum stress, which is known as foliation. This alignment results in a planar fabric within the rock, giving it a layered appearance. The degree of alignment can vary from a weak preferred orientation to a strong and well-developed foliation.

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What type of rock is biotite schist?

Biotite schist is a metamorphic rock that forms from the metamorphism of mudstone or shale. It consists mainly of biotite mica mineral grains, along with quartz and other minerals. Schist has a foliated texture, meaning it has a layered or banded appearance due to the preferred orientation of minerals during metamorphism.

How do chemically active fluids affect metamorphism?

Chemically active fluids can enhance metamorphism by facilitating mineral reactions and changing the mineral assemblage in a rock. These fluids can introduce new elements into the rock, catalyze reactions, and promote recrystallization, leading to the development of new minerals or changes in texture and structure of the rock during metamorphism.

What two properties of rock change during metamorphism?

During metamorphism, the texture and mineralogy of a rock can change. Texture refers to the size, shape, and arrangement of grains within the rock, while mineralogy refers to the types of minerals present in the rock.