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Heat exhaustion

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heat exhaustion

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Q: During which heat emergency do you cool the casualty's body by sprinkiling him or her with water?
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Is a toilet bowl a safe source of water during an emergency?

Not the bowl, the tank

During which heat emergency do you cool the casualty by sprinkling water on them?

heat exhaustion

When would you cool a casualty's body by sprinkling water during a heat emergency?

heat exhaustion

Can you use water in a Chrysler PT Cruiser radiator?

Water only, in an emergency yes.Water only, in an emergency yes.

Can you use the emergency exit during a emergency in a airplane?

Yes, assuming it is safe to do so (i.e., it's not under water or on fire), in which case you would need to find a different one.

Does pool need chlorine during winter when water temperature is low?

Adding chlorine and algae-side during the winter will make it a lot easier to get the pool water ready in the summer. It is also safer to have clear water in the pool at all times in case of unforeseen emergency's.

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The number one important item during a medical emergency is fresh water.

What is a seaplane?

A seaplane is an airplane that can land on and take off from a water surface under its own power. (Many airplanes can land on water, like during an emergency, but cannot take off from the water surface under their own power.)

What types of food should I store in case of emergency?

The best types of emergency food to have is any canned foods. Bottled water is also essential for emergency cases.

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You should stay low in the middle of the boat. You should also secure any loose items. Lastly have emergency gear ready.

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What is emergency egress training?

getting out of a plane that has crashed into the water.