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Q: Each cycle of spreading and intrusion of magma during seafloor spreading results in?
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When solid mantle rock rises during seafloor spreading magma is produced as a result of decompression melting?


Is the following sentence true or false when solid mantle rock rises during seafloor spreading magma is produced as a result of decompression melting?


During the intrusion of the Palisades Sill contact metamorphism changed sandstone and shale into what?


What does the seafloor spreading theory states?

The theory of seafloor spreading was proposed by Harry H. Hess, an American geophysicist, in 1960. According to Hess, seafloor spreading is where two tectonic plates move apart and the ocean floor spreads out. When two tectonic plates spread apart they break. Magma then forces its way up through the cracks in an underwater volcano. When the magma hits the water, it cools and forms ridges along the plates that are pulling apart. In a normal volcano, the magma would pour down the sides and build up, but the since the plates are pulling apart underwater, the magma is more like forming a bridge. However, this bridge has valleys and mountains and is known as an oceanic ridge. The material being formed is known as constructive because a new ocean floor is actually being formed as a result of the process.

Which observation about the mid atlantic ridge region probides the best evidence that the seafloor has been spreading for millions of years?

The fact that there is a series of magnetic 'stripes' on either side of the ridge. They show that the earth's magnetic field has reversed several times during the formation of the rocks, and this only happened about every 5 million years. (There is some evidence that this is speeding up).

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How is crustal rock heated inside the mantle?

Crustal rock is heated inside the mantle during divergent boundaries where new crust is generated as the plates pull away from each other. In mid-ocean, this movement results in seafloor spreading and the formation of ocean ridges; on continents, crustal spreading can form rift valleys.

Is the following sentence true or false when solid mantle rock rises during seafloor spreading magma is produced as a result of decompression melting?


Why did magnetic reversals on the seafloor support seafloor spreading?

Earth got its north and south Pole's have geographic and magnetic north and south poles which makes an angle of nearly 5.6degree. magnetic field created due to core of earth is reversed during each 100 million year period. ie.magnetic north becomes south and vice's. seafloor spreading is a continuous event so for each 100my spread seafloor we get opposite polarised magnetic substances. That is called magnetic reversal

What type of formation is a mid-oceanic ridge?

Its mostly a basaltic formation, caused as a result of ferromagnetic magmatic emergence at zones of seafloor spreading during oceanic-oceanic divergence.

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How does salt water intrusion affect power lines during Hurricane Sandy?

Salt water is corrosive.

What does the seafloor spreading theory states?

The theory of seafloor spreading was proposed by Harry H. Hess, an American geophysicist, in 1960. According to Hess, seafloor spreading is where two tectonic plates move apart and the ocean floor spreads out. When two tectonic plates spread apart they break. Magma then forces its way up through the cracks in an underwater volcano. When the magma hits the water, it cools and forms ridges along the plates that are pulling apart. In a normal volcano, the magma would pour down the sides and build up, but the since the plates are pulling apart underwater, the magma is more like forming a bridge. However, this bridge has valleys and mountains and is known as an oceanic ridge. The material being formed is known as constructive because a new ocean floor is actually being formed as a result of the process.

What happened during the red scare?

People panicked about the spreading of communism.

Why was sea floor spreading not known during wegeners lifetime?

Sea floor spreading was not known during Wegener's lifetime because the technology to map the ocean floor, such as sonar mapping, did not exist yet. Without this technology, scientists were unable to detect the mid-ocean ridges where sea floor spreading takes place. Additionally, Wegener's theory of continental drift was met with skepticism and not widely accepted during his time, which may have deterred further exploration into related concepts like sea floor spreading.

Which observation about the mid atlantic ridge region probides the best evidence that the seafloor has been spreading for millions of years?

The fact that there is a series of magnetic 'stripes' on either side of the ridge. They show that the earth's magnetic field has reversed several times during the formation of the rocks, and this only happened about every 5 million years. (There is some evidence that this is speeding up).