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Warm humid Trade Winds converge over these regions

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Q: Earth rainiest regions are in the tropical latitudes of South America Africa and Asia how do global winds bring rain to these regions?
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What type of houses do people live in the temperate zone?

In geography, temperate or pepcid latitudes of the globe lie between the tropics and the polar regions. The changes in these regions between summer and winter are generally relatively moderate, rather than extreme hot or cold.However, in certain areas, such as Asia and central North America, the variations between summer and winter can be extreme because these areas are far away from the sea, causing them to have a continental climate. In regions traditionally considered tropical, localities at high altitudes (e.g. parts of the Andes) may have a temperate climate.As India is located in a temperate zone we find various kinds of houses. Air conditioned rooms are usually used in the temperate zone and tropical zone . Deserts and tropical regions have bright mornings and become hot by afternoon. The nights are very cool. The temperature rises to its peak during summer. The houses in tropical regions are constructed with brick, concrete cement.

How might the regions major physical features have influenced development and daily life in Atlantic south America?

In northern Brazil the amazon Basin's Humid tropical climate supports the worlds largest tropical ra9ijn forest........ lol <3 from the good girl gone bad

What climatic regions are found in south amercia but not ein north amercia?


What climatic regions are found in Africa south of the Sahara?

desert(arid), semiarid, tropical, and equatorial. (:

Where does the Mozambique Spitting Cobra live?

This species is the most common cobra of the savanna regions of the tropical and subtropical Africa

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Why do equator regions more consistent climate than regions at middle latitudes?

There is only a tropical climate as opposed to a temperate, moderate, highland, or continental climate in the middle latitudes.


tropical hope that helps

What regions are characterized by tropical-rainforest climate?

A tropical rainforest climate is usually found at latitudes within five degrees North and south of the equator, which are dominated by the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The climate is most commonly found in Southeast Asia, Central Africa and South America.

What regions are characterized by tropical rainforest climate?

A tropical rainforest climate is usually found at latitudes within five degrees North and south of the equator, which are dominated by the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The climate is most commonly found in Southeast Asia, Central Africa and South America.

Where are Succulent Euphorbias found?

In tropical regions of Africa and America.

What are the southern regions of South America?

tropical hope that helps

What climate type are found in central America?

Most of Central America has a temperate to tropical climate, although it can be colder in the mountain regions.

What has effected trade and travel around the regions of south America?

tropical wet and tropical wet and dry

why are polar regions colder then tropical?

Tropical regions are cooler , polar regions are colder

Do Poison arrow Frogs Live In Australia?

No. Poison Arrow frogs live in tropical regions. Australia doesn't have any tropical regions. You can find them in rainforests of South America and Africa.

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What is another name for middle latitudes?

Temperate latitudes. These are regions on Earth located between the tropics and the polar regions, characterized by moderate temperatures and distinct seasons.