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Koshari is there famous food. They eat with everyyything :D

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Q: Egypt's famous food and drink
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One of egypts famous female rulers is?

One of Egypts few queens to rule that country is queen Neferetti.

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What is one characteristic that Egypts middle kingdom is famous for?

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Fish and chips is probably the most famous food, and tea the best known drink.

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Wine, cheese, grapes, pasteries and bread.

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Great things to do in Mannheim include trying the local food and drink as well as the night life for adults. The Germans have always been famous for their food and drink.

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What was an advantage of egypts location besides a stable food diet?

It had natural barriers to protect against invaders.

Why is III III famous?

Thutmose III was famous because he was one of Egypts' kings long ago.His tomb was found with all of his "stuff" in it.When it was found with most of his artifacts in it.