

End of the world is fake 2036?

Updated: 12/9/2022
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11y ago

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There is no way to tell until 2037.

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Q: End of the world is fake 2036?
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No. It's gonna end on April 13, 2036.

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The Maya calendar has some year 4,000 events listed- So; no, 2036 is not the end.

Would the world ever end?

it is fake

Is it written anywhere in the bible the world will end in 2012?

It could be written but the end of the world is a hoax and a fake.

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A certain month will begin on a Friday and will end on a Friday also What month is it?

Feb 2036

Wiil the world ever end?

i dont think the world will end in 2012 but i heard a comet will hit earth in 2036. i also heard its benn confirmed.

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√2036 ≈ 45.122

What would 2036 be in Roman Numerals?

It is: 2036 = MMXXXVI

What day of the week will April 13th 2036 be?

April 13th, 2036 will be on a Sunday.

It the world end in 2012?

This is fake and is a lie/hoax. This rumour went on in 1984 saying that the world will end in 1984 then 2000 and now 2012. This is completely crap.

What day of the week will it be on 1 30 2036?

The 30th of January 2036 will be a Wednesday.