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Energy required for a reaction can vary. Depending on the atom it changes. The element will be more reactive if it has a low 1st ionization energy since it requires less energy to react. The most reactive element in Francium since it has the lowest 1st ionization energy level. If an element has a high electro-negativity then it will also be able to react with little energy.

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1w ago

The energy required to start a chemical reaction is known as activation energy. This energy is needed to break the bonds in the reactant molecules before new bonds can form in the products. Activation energy acts as a barrier that must be overcome for the reaction to proceed.

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Activation Energy

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Nevaeh Dykes

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13y ago

The Activation Energy.

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This energy is called activation energy.

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Q: Energy required to start chemical reaction?
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What is activators used for?

Activation energy in chemistry is the amount of energy required to start a reaction. For every chemical reaction, a certain amount of energy is required to start it

What can be used to reduce the energy required to start a chemical reaction?

That is the function of a catalyst.

What is it called when energy is required to start a chemical reaction?

An exergonic reaction is activation energy (or energy of activation). An endergonic reaction is essentially the opposite of an exergonic reaction.

What is a sentence using the word activation energy?

Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required for a chemical reaction to occur.

Energy is the energy needed to start a chemical reaction?

Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required for a chemical reaction to occur. It acts as a barrier that reactants must overcome to form products. This energy is needed to break bonds in the reactant molecules before new bonds can form in the products.

Start up energy of a chemical reaction?

The activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required to initiate a chemical reaction. It helps to break the existing bonds in reactant molecules and start the formation of new bonds in the product molecules. Lowering the activation energy can increase the reaction rate.

The energy necessary to start a chemical reaction?

The energy required to start a chemical reaction is called activation energy. It is the minimum amount of energy needed to initiate a reaction by breaking the chemical bonds of the reactants. This energy barrier must be overcome for the reaction to proceed.

Why activation energy is referred in the definition of enzymes?

The chemical term activation energy is the amount of energy required for a chemical reaction to take place. For more information about different chemical contact a scientists or science professor in one's area.

What substance lowers the energy needed to start a chemical reaction?

A substance that lowers the energy needed to start a chemical reaction is a catalyst.

What does the amount of energy affect during a chemical reaction?

A chemical reaction need an activation energy to start.

What does it mean if the activation energy is high related to traveling?

If the activation energy elated to travelling is high, then a large amount of energy is required to start a chemical reaction. After the reaction is initiated, less energy is needed.

Is more energy required for a chemical reaction in the absence of an enzyme?

Without an enzyme, the activation energy needed to start a reaction is much greater. An enzyme is a catalyst, which decreases the amount of activation energy needed to start a reaction. By doing so, it decreases the amount of time the chemical reaction takes place.