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Isaac Newton

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Sir Isaac newton is most famously known for his work on the laws of motion, which describe how objects move in response to external forces. His three laws of motion are fundamental principles in classical mechanics.

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Isaac newton

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Q: English scientist who described how things move?
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An English scientist who described how things move?

Isaac Newton is the English scientist known for describing how things move through his laws of motion. These laws explain the relationship between an object's motion and the forces acting on it, providing a foundation for classical mechanics.

Scientist who study how animals move?

A scientist who studies how animals move are called physicists.

Can you move things from your original farm to the English Countryside farm?

No,that's not possible.

Who was the first scientist to classify living things into two main groups?

The first scientist to classify living things into two main groups was Aristotle. He divided organisms into plants and animals based on their ability to move and their way of obtaining nourishment.

How many scientist believe animals can think?

all scientist believe animals can think because if an animal could not think it would not move or do anything. they need to think 'move' to move etc.

Why do things move the way they do?

Things move the way they do due to the interaction of various forces such as gravity, friction, and applied forces. These forces influence the motion of objects by causing acceleration or deceleration in a particular direction, following the laws of motion described by Isaac Newton.

How do you get the move whirlpool?

i don't know ask a scientist

How do scientist know when intense storms move across the surface of neptune?

Scientist know this by the color difference on the planets surface.

What charateristics do all living things have in common?

There are three criteria for something to be described as living/an organism: It must eat It must move of it's own accord It must be able to reproduce

Is energy something that an object has or something that it does?

Energy is a property that an object has that allows it to do things such as move, create heat, or produce light. So, it can be described as both something that an object has and something that it does.

What do you do to make the scientist to move on Pokemon firered or leafgreen?

shoot him with a railgun

What scientist stated that planets move around the Sun in an ellipse?
