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redivider redivider Flee to me, remote elf.

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Q: Enter the longest non-racecar palindrome you can think of?
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What is the longest phrase of a palindrome?

My favorite is : "Able was I, ere I saw Elba" - Napoleon I think it might be: Are we not drawn onward, we few, drawn onward to new era.

Is 1 a palindrome?

I think so.

Is 0 a palindrome?

Yes i think 0 is a palindrome because read fowards it says 0 and read backwards it says 0.

What country is the longest?

Sometimes, I think Indonesia was the longest country. I don't think Japan did. Will Indonesia be the longest country forever?

How much steps it takes to find the palindrome of 89?

24 i think

What is a word that is a palindrome that means a shy look?


What is a palindrome that means taken out?

I think the word you want is "deled" It means deleted .

What is the longest river in the U.S?

the Michigan river is the longest i think in the U.S

What is the longest jumper in the world?

I think the longest jumper in the world is mike Powell

Which fruit has the longest name?

I think watermelon is the fruit with the longest name.

Witch bubble gum flavor last the longest?

I think Bubblelicious last the longest.

How do you write a program in C to check whether a word is a palindrome or not?

It is a simple program. i think u may understand it :#include#include#includevoid main(){char s[10];char x[10];int a;clrscr();strcpy(x,s);strrev(s);a=strcmp(s,x);if(a==0){printf("the entered string is palindrome");}else{printf("the entered string is not palindrome");}output:given string is not palindrome