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Q: Equal but opposite forces are said to result in an?
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What are the forces that result in no change in an objects. Motion?

Forces that are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction and acting on the same object will not create a change in said objects motion.

Are unbalanced forces equal in size and opposite in direction?

Two forces equal in size and opposite in direction are balanced, not unbalanced, because they cancel each other out. Any set of forces which has a resultant of zero is said to be balanced.

Can an object be at be at rest if forces are being applied to it?

Yes, if the forces are equal and acting in opposite directions, the net force will equal zero and that object can be said to be at rest.

What are forces said to be if they act on something that doesn't move?

If forces act on an object but it does not move, then these forces are said to be balanced. This means that the forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, resulting in no net force acting on the object.

What forces are forces that are equal in size and opposite in direction?

Do you mean buoyancy? They are said to be balanced, because their net sum, or resultant, is zero.

What the forces are said to be if the object does not move?

If an object is not moving, the forces acting on it are said to be balanced. This means that the forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, causing the object to remain at rest.

What must forces in each direction be doing to be in equilibrum?

As Newton said, they must be equal and opposite and collinear.

When forces are equal in strength and opposite to each other?

Magnetic (north and south poles are equal and opposite) otherwise Newton says every action has an equal but opposite reaction. If you punch a wall your fist hits the wall at the same rate the wall damages your fist.

What are forces that are equal and in opposite direction?

Do you mean buoyancy? They are said to be balanced, because their net sum, or resultant, is zero.

What forces that are equal in size and opposite in direction?

Do you mean buoyancy? They are said to be balanced, because their net sum, or resultant, is zero.

What are Forces that are equal in size and opposite in direction?

Do you mean buoyancy? They are said to be balanced, because their net sum, or resultant, is zero.

What are the Forces that result in no change in an object's motion?

When the forces acting on an object are balanced, there is no change in the object's motion. These forces can include gravitational force, normal force, frictional force, and tension in a string. Forces are vectors, so they can cancel each other out when they are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.