

Equations for velocity

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Velocity = distance / unit of time

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velocity = distance divided by time

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When can the equations of kinematics not be used?

Equations of kinematics or equations of motion can not be used when the body is not accelerating or is moving with a constant velocity.

What are some equations for speed and velocity?

speed=distance/time. velocity=distance/time+direction.

What is the value of I in a math problem?

u = initial velocity in newtons equations of motion.

What are equations for velocity when given force and mass?

Velocity = (velocity when time=0) + (Force x time)/(mass) ===> F = MA A = F/M V = V0 + A T

What does vf mean in a science equation?

final velocity. it is used in multiple equations. its opposite would be vi, initial velocity. they mean exactly what they sound like. final velocity is the last velocity something was going at in the measured time, initial would be the very first velocity at a measured time.

How do you find final and initial velocity?

To find the final velocity of an object, you can use the kinematic equation: final velocity = initial velocity + (acceleration * time). If acceleration is constant, you can also use the equation: final velocity = initial velocity + (2 * acceleration * distance). The initial velocity can be found by measuring the velocity of the object at the beginning of its motion using a speedometer or other measuring device.

If you can throw a baseball 300 ft what would your velocity be at 60 ft?

You have not provided enough information. To solve this problem, you will use the kinematics equations. Take a look at these equations, you will discover that you have too many unknowns to solve for.

What is the word you use to give speed and direction of motion?

That would be vector. It describes the direction and velocity of an object. Rectangular and polar equations.

Is calculus required for college physics?

Yes because it is going to be helpful to find the derivative of certain equations such as velocity speed and accelaration

How do you find force given mass and change in velocity Equations please?

There is not enough information. Force = Mass*Acceleration. Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity. This requires information on change in velocity as well as the time over which the change took place. There is no information at all on the latter.

What is the definition of motion graph?

Constant acceleration motion can be characterized by motion equations and by motion graphs. The graphs of distance, velocity and acceleration as functions.

How do you find change of momentum?

Please refer to the related link below for equations dealing with change in momentum.