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He presented a theory of evolution.

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Q: Erasmus Darwin contribution on the field of biology?
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What was Charles Darwin contribution in the field of biology?

Charles Darwin's contribution to the field of biology was the theory of evolution due to natural selection. This attempts to explain how species adapt to their environments, sometimes leading to the development of new species.

What was Charles Darwin's field of study?

Theology Answer Darwin's work was in the realm of Biology.

What scientist proposed a theory about how evolution works?

A number of scientists have worked in the field of evolutionary biology, but the most important contribution was made by Charles Darwin.

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Claude Villee is known for his contributions to the field of physiology, particularly in the study of metabolism and endocrinology. He wrote several influential textbooks in biology that have been widely used in educational settings. Villee's work helped advance our understanding of how organisms function at a cellular and physiological level.

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What was Charles Darwin's contribution to the field of science?

He proposed the theory of natural section, which explains the mechanism that powers evolution.

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hindi ko nga alam kaya sa inyo ako nagtatanong

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