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Q: Evaporation and precipitation of sediments forms what?
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What 3 forms can water become?

condensation evaporation and precipitation

What sedimentation process forms stalactites?

Sediments in sedimentary rocks are often caused by precipitation.

What is the force that shapes many land forms?

evaporation condensation precipitation the water cycle.

Does evaporation go into the air after precipitation falls to earth?

No. It goes high in the sky and forms clouds.

Describe how three common types of precipitation form?

It maters how much water it is which is all the ways precipitation forms

Do earths oceans gain or lose water considering evaporation and precipitation together if so how much?

if evaporation is considered part of precipitation it odes because precipitation causes evaporation

Describe the 4 stages in a water cycle?

precipatation evaporation condinsationand i forgot the other one. sorry

Is steam a form of precipitation?

snow, sleet, hail, rain, ect. are forms of precipitation. steam could be considered evaporation, or a change in state of matter (water heated to steam)

What is precipitation and how does it work?

Precipitation is rain, snow, or fog that falls from the sky. It is the result of solar evaporation. It is taken up into sky, forms clouds, and eventually falls back to earth.

The meditterranean sea is very salty. Does evaporation exceed precipitation or does preceipitation exceed evaporation over the mediterranean sea?

Evaporation exceeds precipitation.

How are evaporation precipitation and transpiration related to the water cycle?

Only evaporation and precipitation are steps in the water cycle.

What forms when rock erode?
