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Q: Every decision involves trade offs because?
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Why does every decision trade offs?

because evryone has to make sacrifices.

What is the relationship between decision and trade-off?

Decisions are directly related to trade offs because what one person chooses can have an effect on outcome. Trade-offs may need to be analyzed carefully if there are risks involved.For every decision you make their is a trade-off, because you always have to give something up in exchange for another decision.

Why does every decision involve trade offs?

because everyone has to make sacrifices

What is the relationship between decisions and trade off?

Decisions are directly related to trade offs because what one person chooses can have an effect on outcome. Trade-offs may need to be analyzed carefully if there are risks involved.For every decision you make their is a trade-off, because you always have to give something up in exchange for another decision.

What is the relationship between decisions and trade-offs?

Decisions are directly related to trade offs because what one person chooses can have an effect on outcome. Trade-offs may need to be analyzed carefully if there are risks involved.For every decision you make their is a trade-off, because you always have to give something up in exchange for another decision.

What is a trade?

A trade involves the transfer of the ownership of goods and services

Why is the federal government given authority to regulate foreign and interstate commerce?

Because it is oversees international trade. International trade involves trade with other country's. But each state also has a sovereignty of it's own so in a manner of speaking this is also international trade and involves taxes and charges that apply nationally and not to the individual states.

Who decides on the trade policy?

Trade policy decisions are typically made by the government, specifically the executive branch, in most countries. This decision-making process involves input from various government agencies, such as the department of commerce or trade representatives, and may also involve consultation with industry stakeholders and trade partners. Ultimately, the government is responsible for setting and implementing trade policies.

What trade involves upholstery?

An upholsterer.

What is a trade-off?

A trade-off is an alternative that we sacrifice when we make a decision.

What does making a trade off require you to do?

A trade-off means that you are compromising one area to benefit another area. For example, a trade-off in automobile safety is cost. A car could be produced that was very safe, but it would be too expensive. So, we trade-off safety (by reducing it), to get lower cost. Almost every decision, design, or negotiation uses trade-offs. When a decision, design, or negotiation does not have a trade-off (for example, if you could make a safer car cheaper at the same time) then this is an idealized solution which is very rare. So what is required is an analysis of every facet of the design, solution, or agreement, each facet's relationship to each other and the final output, and a decision made to get the best solution based on many competing factors.

Why did the siksika refuse to trade with Anthony henday?

The Siksika refused to trade with Anthony Henday in 1754 because they were suspicious of his intentions and did not trust him. Henday was seen as a potential threat to their way of life and sovereignty, leading to their decision not to engage in trade with him.