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cold sore usually happen when your immune system is low. Try taking a vitamin shot so see if that will help. Keep taking to vitamin to help build up your immune system. Also cold sore come when you are stressed, or the weather changes. They can also appear after you eat certain foods.

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Q: Every time I take a vitamin no matter if they're Flinstones or One A Day's B-complex Vitamin D or Vitamin C I immediately develop a cold sore do I have an allergy to vitamins?
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What kind of vitamins do kiwis contain?

Vitamin C

Is too many Flinstone vitamins bad for you?

Yes, especially the ones that contain iron. It is very important to keep them out of the reach of children. Iron poisoning from multivitamins is one of the more common ways young children are poisoned. ********* To give you even more information - Yes. Like the first answerer mentioned, overdosing on multivitamins that contain iron is especially dangerous. Some people will tell you that if you overdose on vitamins, your body will just pass the excess out through your urine and you wont have a problem. This is very misleading information and is only true for vitamins that are WATER SOLUBLE. Vitamins that are FAT soluble, as well as trace minerals, will not be passed out of the body through urine. They will accumulate in fatty tissue and liver and can actually end up poisoning you. Flintstones Vitamins have a mixture of Fat Soluble vitamins, Water Soluble vitamins, and Trace Minerals. The following is a list of the different vitamins in Flintstones Vitamins. The ones with an (F) after are Fat Soluble, the ones with a (W) are Water Soluble and the ones with a (T) are Trace Minerals. Choline (W) Vitamin C (W) Vitamin E (F) Beta Carotene (F) Zinc (T) Iron (T) Calcium (W) Vitamin D (F) Phosphorus (W) Vitamin A (F) Vitamin C (W) Thiamine (W) Riboflavin (W) Niacin (W) Vitamin B6 (W) Folic Acid (W) Vitamin B12 (W) Biotin (W) Pantothenic Acid (W) Iodine (T) Magnesium (T) Copper (T) Sodium - This is a mineral commonly known as salt. As you can see, there are several Trace Minerals and Fat Soluble substances in these multivitamins. Even though kids vitamins like Flintstones and gummy vitamins TASTE like candy, it's important to remember that they are NOT. It is very possible to overdose on them, even if you are an adult, and the consequences can be very dangerous. ~Zooxie

What benefits does vitamin B 1 6 12 have?

The B vitamins generally have a positive role in energy metabolism. Proper levels of B vitamins in your diet is necessary for proper digestion and the utilization of calories consumed.

Are Flintstones vitamins safe to take during a pregnancy?

Flintstone's vitamins are safe as long as they are administered according to directions. Also, as with all vitamins and minerals it's important to keep in a secured place away from children to avoid overdose.

Can adults take Flintstones vitamins?

Yes adults can take flintstone vitamins. I take them myself and I'm 25 years old. The directions on the package do say for children and Adults to take one vitamin daily. On another note, I know a few people who had gastric bypass, and the doctor who did their surgeries recommended they take two flintstone vitamins a day. So, yes they are for adults to and recommended by Physicians for adults.

Related questions

What is vitamin bcomplex for?

The Bcomplex Vitamin is a blend of B group vitamins that do functional work in the body. of course it can boost your energy level and athletes can avail much from it, specially in injection form. The injection mood is some uncomfortable.

What is the word 'vitamins' when translated from English to Indonesian?

The word vitamin (single) is just vitamin. For vitamins (plural) it is vitamin-vitamin.

What vitamins are in xigua?

Xigua contains vitamin A and vitamin C and several B vitamins.

What is the difference between taking vitamin supplements and food with vitamins?

Taking vitamin supplements means ingestion of vitamins by means of medicines, and food with vitamins is vitamins in the natural foods like fruits and vegetabales. vitamin supplement is in vitamin deficiency.

What vitamins are in corn?

Vitamin a and vitamin b.

What vitamins are in pineapples?

Vitamins C, B, A, E & KThe main vitamin in pineapple is Vitamin C.

Which vitamin is actually a group of vitamins?


What is vitamin a d e k?

These are the FAT soluble vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K). Lipase from the pancreas is required to help a person absorb these vitamins.

What are vitamins in eggplants?

Vitamin C, Vitamin B6

Which vitamins are acquired through sunshine?

Vitamin D and K

What are some vitamins I can take for hair growth?

There are many vitamins that promote healthy hair growth. I suggest getting enough of the following vitamins in your diet: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, biotin, inositol, niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamin B6, and vitamin B12.

Which vitamins and supplements help us retain our beauty?

The best vitamins to take for skin care and beauty would be the b vitamins which are vitamin b 12, and vitamin b 6. Also the vitamin C, and vitamin A are good.