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heat flow values

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Q: Evidence of convection currents within the asthenosphere comes from?
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What describes a cause of lithospheric plate movement across the surface of earth?

the plates are driven across the surface by convection currents within the plastic rock of the asthenosphere.

What currents are they when are transferred within the mantle and fluid?

Convection currents.

Is the heat source for the convection currents in the mantle for the sun?

The difference in temperature and density is the cause of convection currents in the earths mantle. Convection currents are the flow that transfers heat within a fluid.

Is heat source for the convection currents in the mantle the sun?

The difference in temperature and density is the cause of convection currents in the earths mantle. Convection currents are the flow that transfers heat within a fluid.

Heat is transferred by the movement of currents within a fluid by a process called what?


Is the heat source for the convection current in the mantle in the sun?

The difference in temperature and density is the cause of convection currents in the earths mantle. Convection currents are the flow that transfers heat within a fluid.

Does tectonic plates move on lithosphere?

Geologist belive that the platesmove about on the asthenosphere because of convection currents deep within the Earth.

What is tectonic convection?

Your probably referring to the magma convection currents within the mantle. Like normal heaing and cooling convection currents, the magma ebbs & flows, keeping the tectonic plates in motion.

What is the surface on which the lithospheric plates move around earths surface?

Lower mantle is the surface on which the lithospheric plates move around earths surface.

Is the correct definition of convection?

the transfer of heat by currents within a liquid or gas

Where do you find convection currents?

Convection currents occur in the asthenosphere.

Why are Earth's continental plates continually in motion?

The continental plates are continually in motion due to the convection currents. The convection currents are driven from heat generated from radioactive decay within the earth.