

Example of abstract nouns you

Updated: 9/16/2023
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12y ago

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No, you is not an abstract noun, it is a pronoun. A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. Example:

Bob looks very nice. Replace the noun Bob with the pronoun you. You look very nice.

This letter is for Bob. When I'm speaking to Bob, I would say: This letter is for you.

An abstract noun is a word for something that can't be experienced by any of the five senses, it can't be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. Examples of abstract nouns are love, hate, happiness, wonder, imagination, or fear.

I can see you; I can hear you; I can touch you.

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Q: Example of abstract nouns you
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What are the examples of principles in abstract noun?

Some example of abstract nouns that are principles are:democracydisciplinefreedomhonestyhonorintegrityjusticelibertyloyaltyvalor

What are 100 example words of abstract nouns?

Abstract nouns are words for things that can't be experienced by any of the five senses; they can't be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. Abstract nouns are things that are known, understood, believed, or felt emotionally.Examples of abstract nouns are:abhorrenceabilityaffectionaltruismangerannoyanceantipathyardorattachmentaversionbenevolenceblissbraverycarecharitycheerfulnesscontemptcouragedepressiondesiredesperationdestinationdiscorddisgustdislikedistasteduplicityecstasyeducationeffortelationemotionenjoymentenmityenthusiasmeuphoriaexertionexhilarationexuberancefaithfeelingfelicityfondnessforcefortune,friendshipfunfurygladnessgleegoodwillgreedhappinesshatredhope,inclinationintimacyireirritationjoyjubilationkindnesslifeloathinglonelinesslovelucklustmiserynecessityneed,opinionopportunityoptimismoutragepassionpessimismpleasurepowerpredilectionrageraptureregardreligion,revulsionsadnesssolicitudestrengthsympathytemperthrillvalor,vehemencevexationwant,wantonnessweaknessworshipwrathzeal

What are the 6 special nouns?

Abstract nouns are sometimes referred to as special nouns. Abstract nouns are words for things that can't be experienced by any of the five senses; they can't be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. Abstract nouns are words for things that are known, understood, believed, or felt emotionally.Examples are:attitudebeliefcharmdangereducationfear

What are four examples of an abstract noun?

Examples of abstract nouns are:friendshipmemoryopportunitypatience

Is Chicago a concrete or abstract nouns?

Is Chicago a abstract noun or a concrete noun

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Abstract nouns are words for things that can't be experienced by any of the five senses; they can't be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. Abstract nouns are things that are known, understood, believed, or felt emotionally.Examples of abstract nouns are:abhorrenceabilityaffectionaltruismangerannoyanceantipathyardorattachmentaversionbenevolenceblissbraverycarecharitycheerfulnesscontemptcouragedepressiondesiredesperationdestinationdiscorddisgustdislikedistasteduplicityecstasyeducationeffortelationemotionenjoymentenmityenthusiasmeuphoriaexertionexhilarationexuberancefaithfeelingfelicityfondnessforcefortune,friendshipfunfurygladnessgleegoodwillgreedhappinesshatredhope,inclinationintimacyireirritationjoyjubilationkindnesslifeloathinglonelinesslovelucklustmiserynecessityneed,opinionopportunityoptimismoutragepassionpessimismpleasurepowerpredilectionrageraptureregardreligion,revulsionsadnesssolicitudestrengthsympathytemperthrillvalor,vehemencevexationwant,wantonnessweaknessworshipwrathzeal

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