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So... you are applying for a job and the interviewer asks for one or more examples of your weeknesses. Naturally, you would like to be able to say you have none; but everybody has a weakness. Your actual answer is not going to be the same as mine or anybody else, since it as a question about YOU.

Some people advise giving a strength and pretending to consider it a weakness ("I get so wrapped up in my work that I do more than my share"). This is dishonest, did not really answer the question, and the interviewer will see what a fake you are being.

Better to be prepared to tell a real weakness, then explain how you overcome it the best you can.

For example, "I get so caught up in the details of a project I sometimes forget how those details fit into the big picture. To control this, I make a habit of pausing at least once a day to think about what the company really needs me to accomplish, and how the parts interact. This helps me avoid forgetting some important aspect while looking too closely at another."

Or--one person might say, "I get emotionally fatigued if I have to communicate with other people a hundred percent of the time; this is why I applied for this documentation research job instead of the receptionist." Another person may say just the opposite, and in fact be perfect as a receptionist.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

* Hard worker. * Punctual. * Determined. * Able to prioritize. * Believe in myself; self-confidence. * I have ability to cope with failures and try to learn from my mistakes. * I like to work in team and have been an active participant and organizer at several places. * One of my greatest strengths which I've acquired during my education is good analytical and planning skills. This has always benefited me to set goals and try to achieve them. But at the same time I'm driven by the thoughts of success. * Full commitment to my work. * Highly energetic. * Love to learn new things. * Having good interpersonal skills. * Well organized and like to be neat with all of my work. * A good helper towards those who need it. * I am a team player and work well with others. * I have great communication skills * I am a quick learner. I have great problem-solving skills and am willing to learn new things to get the job done.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

When asked about examples of personal weaknesses it is important to point to things that make you sound like a hard worker. Stating that you are a perfection or work thoroughly are weaknesses that could be beneficial.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Some examples of professional weaknesses could include any type of unprofessional behavior. Profanity in the workplace, procrastination, and weak communications skills could be viewed as weaknesses.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

If you are asked about your strengths and weaknesses during a job interview, focus on the weaknesses first. You want to leave the interviewer with the memory of your strengths.

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