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Q: Examples of general properties of matter?
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Examples of general properties of matter and pictures?

General properties of matter include mass, volume, density, and ability to undergo physical and chemical changes. For pictures, you can search for images of different states of matter (solid, liquid, gas), elements in the periodic table, and molecules to visualize the properties of matter.

What are some of the characteristics of matter?

Examples of the characteristics of matter: state of matter, density, radioactivity, thermal properties, electrical properties, optical properties, chemical composition, etc.

What are some examples of general properies of matter?

what are some matter

What are examples physical proprieties of matter?

Its all about matter: we are surrounded by the matter on every moment of life, any thing that we use in our daily life is matter. A matter can me your tooth brush, bed,car each and every thing is matter. a subject that keeps some space on earth is called matter. a matter has some physical and chemical properties, Physical properties of matter are listed below. 1. Extensive properties of matter Mass , volume, length, shape 2. Intensive properties of matter color, density, boiling point, melting point

Differentiate general from specific properties of matter?

and so

What makes one kind of matter different from another?

Examples:- the state of matter- the chemical composition- the chemical properties- the physical properties

Characteristics that describe how all matter is the same is called?

The characteristics that describe how all matter is the same are known as physical properties. These include properties such as mass, volume, density, and temperature, which are applicable to all types of matter.

What are the 4 general properties of matter?

solid, liquid, gas, and plasma

Hardness texture color and freezing point are all examples of what type of properties of matter?

Physical properties.

Why mass volume density are considered as general properties of matter?

because because !!

What is a propotie of matter?

A property of matter is any characteristic that can be used to describe or identify a substance. Examples of properties of matter include color, density, melting point, and conductivity. These properties help scientists classify and understand different types of matter.

What are 3 general properties of matter?

Mass, volume, and density