

Exaple of soilds

Updated: 5/21/2024
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14y ago

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A list of solids are rock,brick,stone,marble,glass and lots of other st

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2w ago

Examples of solids include a rock, a book, and a metal spoon. These substances have a definite shape and volume, and their particles are tightly packed together. Solids maintain their shape even when subjected to external forces.

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11y ago

leeannes , cubes , ice

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Q: Exaple of soilds
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What happens to soilds when they are heated?

When solids are heated, their particles absorb energy and vibrate more vigorously, causing the solid to expand. This increase in kinetic energy can lead to the solid eventually melting into a liquid, as the particles break free from their fixed positions.

Is motor oil a homogenous mixture?

because it wants to be

How can soilds be separated using evaporation?

Solids can be separated using evaporation by first dissolving the solid in a liquid (like water), then heating the solution until the liquid evaporates, leaving behind the solid. The solid can then be collected and further dried if necessary.

Is Coca-Cola a heterogeneous mixture a homogeneous mixture a compound or an element?

A heterogeneus mixture is not eavenly mixed, different parts are often easy to see. Kool-Aid is a homogeneous mixture. Here's why: In a heterogeneous mixture, the composition of the mixture is not uniform throughout. An exaple of this would be chicken noodle soup. In chicken nooble soup, there is likely to be more chicken in one spoonful than is another spoonful. A compound can be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means, but once you mix the powder with the water to make Kool-Aid, you can't get the powder back out of the water. An element is something that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means, but when you want to get the powder back the only way to do so is through a physical change, which might not even be possible. Therefore, the only other option would be a homogeneous mixture due to the fact that homogeneous mixtures are uniform throughout. By the way, uniform means same through out sample, or evenly spread. And another word for homogeneous mixtures are solutions.

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What proportions do liquids and soilds share?

Liquids and soilds share properties that are Definte mass and volume and that they can be transformed into eachother :)

Soilds are heated by the process of?


What exaple is a consumer?

Me. (:

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Well, one good exaple is Newtons Balls

Why are soilds hard?

because it is just hard

What are two properties of amorphous soilds?

soil and gas

Do sound waves travel faster in soilds?

Yes, sound waves travel faster in solids compared to liquids and gases due to the closer arrangement of particles in solids. The speed of sound in a material depends on the medium's elasticity and density, with solids generally having higher elasticity and density than liquids and gases.

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A misspelled word could be said to be damaged, for exaple. I don't know how the package got damaged!

What happens to soilds when they are heated?

When solids are heated, their particles absorb energy and vibrate more vigorously, causing the solid to expand. This increase in kinetic energy can lead to the solid eventually melting into a liquid, as the particles break free from their fixed positions.

Define the 2 different types of soilds?

Crystalline solids have a well-ordered, repeating internal structure with distinct melting points and sharp boundaries between phases. Amorphous solids lack a regular internal structure and have a disordered arrangement of particles, resulting in gradual softening upon heating and no distinct melting point.

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When one's shadow is in front of them.