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They are all non metals.

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Jaquelin Jast

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āˆ™ 2y ago
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āˆ™ 15y ago

They are all gases. They are all gases. They are all gases.

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āˆ™ 10y ago

They are all nonmetals.

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āˆ™ 14y ago

they are all nonmetals

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āˆ™ 3y ago
Iā€™m trusting you on my wuix

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āˆ™ 12y ago

they are all non metals

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āˆ™ 11y ago

All of them are non-metals.

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Q: Except for metalloids what do all of the elements on the right side of the zigzag line have in common?
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Most of the elements that form a zigzag line in the periodic table belong to one major group what is that group and what kinds of properties do its elements tend to have?

The elements that form a zigzag line on the periodic table belong to the metalloids group. Metalloids have properties that are intermediate between metals and nonmetals. They typically exhibit characteristics of both groups, such as being semi-conductive and having varying degrees of metallic and non-metallic properties.

What are the elements that border the zigzag line called?

I assume you're referring to the bold line that runs down the right side of the periodic table. If so, there isn't really a name for them. The line separates elements on the left side (which are metals) from elements on the right side (non-metals). The elements directly on the Hays-McDaniel Line are sometimes referred to as "metalloids".

What are the elements that touch the zig zag line classified as in the periodic table?

Elements that touch the zigzag line on the periodic table are classified as metalloids. Metalloids have properties that are intermediate between metals and nonmetals, such as semi-conducting behavior and varying degrees of metal and nonmetal characteristics. Examples of metalloids include silicon, arsenic, and boron.

What is the staircase called along the periodic table?

The staircase along the periodic table is called the "staircase of metalloids" or "zigzag line." It separates the metals on the left from the nonmetals on the right and helps to distinguish between the properties of elements in different regions of the table.

What element along the zigzag line of the periodic table is not a metalloid?

It would be Aluminum, which is a metal, not a metalloid.

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What are most elements that touch the zigzag in the periodic table calssified as?


What are the elements called on the zigzag line on the periodic table?

They are called metalloids.

What are most of the elements that touch the zigzag line on the periodic table called?


How many elements on the periodic table are metalloids?

There are 7 metalloids in periodic table. They are present on zigzag line in periodic table.

Which elements are found on the right of the zigzag line in the periodic chart?

Generally nonmetals and metalloids.

What is the significance of the zigzag line?

Well, on British roads it means you can't park there.metalloidsOn the periodic table of elements, the zigzag dark line marks the elements that are metalloids.

What are elements lying along the zigzag line on a periodic table called?

The zigzag line is called the zigzag line or is sometimes referred to as the Hays-McDaniel line

Where on the periodic table are metalloids?

On the Periodic Table there is a zigzag line (staircase) running along group 13 to group 16. Metalloids are the elements along the staircase. The six elements commonly recognized as metalloids are boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony and tellurium.

Are metalloids on the periodic table?

On the Periodic Table there is a zigzag line (staircase) running along group 13 to group 16. Metalloids are the elements along the staircase. The six elements commonly recognized as metalloids are boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony and tellurium.

Which group of elements in the periodic table is known for semiconductor behaviour?

Metalloids are known to have semiconductor behaviour. They are presented in zigzag line.

Most of the elements that form a zigzag line in the periodic table belong to one major group what is that group and what kinds of properties do its elements tend to have?

The elements that form a zigzag line on the periodic table belong to the metalloids group. Metalloids have properties that are intermediate between metals and nonmetals. They typically exhibit characteristics of both groups, such as being semi-conductive and having varying degrees of metallic and non-metallic properties.

What are the elements that border the zigzag line called?

I assume you're referring to the bold line that runs down the right side of the periodic table. If so, there isn't really a name for them. The line separates elements on the left side (which are metals) from elements on the right side (non-metals). The elements directly on the Hays-McDaniel Line are sometimes referred to as "metalloids".